Stolen Sale By Middleman (Trusted)

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by leeplank401, Mar 20, 2020.

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Stolen Sale By Middleman (Trusted)
  1. Unread #1 - Mar 20, 2020 at 3:24 PM
  2. leeplank401
    Nov 16, 2018
    Sythe Gold:

    leeplank401 Active Member

    Stolen Sale By Middleman (Trusted)

    Slice#7777 Stole my sale, i came to him for a middleman he agreed, and we continued to get into a group. After joining the Group Slice stopped responding and me (seller) and buyer were asking for him to hurry while he was "making the sythe middleman confirmation" in doing so i never hear from Slice#7777 again, yet i get this discord message from my buyer saying this
    4gottengodzToday at 2:15 PM
    yeah man slice sold me it
    [2:15 PM]
    he crashed you
    [2:15 PM]
    wouldnt mm

    After 2-3 hours of me asking, holding my sale in hand and waiting for this to go through.
    Lost tons of respect for this so called "trusted Seller" he's a scum bag.

  3. Unread #2 - Mar 20, 2020 at 4:02 PM
  4. Gladiator
    Sep 12, 2013
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Gohan has AIDS (2) Tom Black Le Monkey Snowflake (2) Verified Diamond Trole Two Factor Authentication User Voluntaryist Lion King Why can't I hold all of these feels? (2)
    Dunce (2) Lawrence Hey... this isnt a fun rank Carrot (2) Halloween 2013 Valentine's Singing Competition Winner Hoover Homosex Friendship is Magic Nitro Booster
    Potamus (3) Cook Village Drunk Gooby Gracious Cool Kid (2) Pokémon Trainer STEVE Spyro Candy Man

    Gladiator Legend
    Gladiator Donor Cheetah

    Stolen Sale By Middleman (Trusted)

    Please submit screenshots of the conversation and a gif/recording of the UID as instructed on Discord
  5. Unread #3 - Mar 20, 2020 at 8:50 PM
  6. Gladiator
    Sep 12, 2013
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Gohan has AIDS (2) Tom Black Le Monkey Snowflake (2) Verified Diamond Trole Two Factor Authentication User Voluntaryist Lion King Why can't I hold all of these feels? (2)
    Dunce (2) Lawrence Hey... this isnt a fun rank Carrot (2) Halloween 2013 Valentine's Singing Competition Winner Hoover Homosex Friendship is Magic Nitro Booster
    Potamus (3) Cook Village Drunk Gooby Gracious Cool Kid (2) Pokémon Trainer STEVE Spyro Candy Man

    Gladiator Legend
    Gladiator Donor Cheetah

    Stolen Sale By Middleman (Trusted)

    Screenshot - 7b7b22b02e9e5648b83a271114394783 - Gyazo
    Screenshot - 8c07b4d335332b6a1872dc7f192e94a8 - Gyazo
    Screenshot - f7a1c076a51011e820a87307edada31c - Gyazo
    Screenshot - 7967246e9183bbbd949cbe5066d30a12 - Gyazo
    Screenshot - 973a381be390374a26d8ad193444f07e - Gyazo
    Screenshot - 588a40009ad7ef0abec1b2eccadae387 - Gyazo

    The conversations between @leeplank401 and the other party 4gottengodz are above.

    After being approached by @leeplank401 to MM, @Slice added 4gottengodz to the middleman chat himself, but after doing so you (@Slice) saw an opportunity to undercut @leeplank401 and steal the trade from him. (middleman convo, I took while screensharing);
    Both buyer/seller repeatedly ask you for the Sythe PM to proceed with the trade, instead you send a private DM to 4gottengodz with a new/lower offer here: during the same time. your admission to me through voice chat/text here

    Finally to conclude, even 4gottengodz knew exactly what you had just done:

    ^ HNCdice, Devil and Obamaphobic like this.
  7. Unread #4 - Mar 20, 2020 at 8:57 PM
  8. Gladiator
    Sep 12, 2013
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Gohan has AIDS (2) Tom Black Le Monkey Snowflake (2) Verified Diamond Trole Two Factor Authentication User Voluntaryist Lion King Why can't I hold all of these feels? (2)
    Dunce (2) Lawrence Hey... this isnt a fun rank Carrot (2) Halloween 2013 Valentine's Singing Competition Winner Hoover Homosex Friendship is Magic Nitro Booster
    Potamus (3) Cook Village Drunk Gooby Gracious Cool Kid (2) Pokémon Trainer STEVE Spyro Candy Man

    Gladiator Legend
    Gladiator Donor Cheetah

    Stolen Sale By Middleman (Trusted)

    As a middleman, you're expected to help users complete their trades, not steal them mid-trade. Your actions were extremely grotesque, and after some discussion with admins we've decided you'll no longer be allowed to MM trades on Sythe.

    You can appeal the TWC in 30 days: Dispute a Ban or TWC
    ^ Oshy, ItzChaos, Dave and 47 others like this.
< Mon then | Reporting user for unsafe dms >

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