Sethrem Scam Report

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Squire, Nov 14, 2022.

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Sethrem Scam Report
  1. Unread #1 - Nov 14, 2022 at 1:07 PM
  2. Squire
    Mar 22, 2012
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Lawrence Heidy Extreme Homosex <3 n4n0

    Squire Formerly known as Chad0ck
    $300 USD Donor New

    Sethrem Scam Report

    Scammer's profile link: Sethrem
    Amount scammed: $100
    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: Reminisce#1707 - 138751815847116800
    Proof that it's their Discord:

    Explanation of the trade: Trade was a few years ago, just ran across his profile here on sythe and figured I would report him here so no one else gets scammed.
    This user owns a botting platform for private servers. Reminisce sold me a zulrah script, but instead of delivering the script gave me a ban. User claims that he refunded me but never did.
    How they scammed: Received payment for something and banned me from his discord instead of giving me the product.
    He knew he was going to scam me before accepting the payment, in the past he always accepted paypal but for this trade he wanted BTC. I should have known this was a red flag but continued because I knew him for a couple of years at this point.
    Reminisce — 07/23/2020
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    Yeah haha
    [*][10:45 AM]
    So you think a few hours?
    Reminisce — 07/23/2020
    yea its 11:46am for me
    [*][10:46 AM]
    woke up like an hour ago
    [*][10:46 AM]
    gonna eat some breakfast
    [*][10:46 AM]
    go for a run
    [*][10:48 AM]
    btw i'll need your forums id
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    It's null
    Reminisce — 07/23/2020
    [*][10:59 AM]
    not name
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    True, sec
    [*][11:01 AM]
    SimpleBot :: The leading RSPS Bot supporting (Zaros, Alora, Zenyte,...
    RuneScape private server bot (RSPS bot) for many servers like Zenyte, Novea, Vitality, OldschoolRSPS, Alora, Zaros and more! Including tons of scripts like auto fighter, auto skilling,zulrah,barrows and many more.
    [*][11:01 AM]
    Reminisce — 07/23/2020
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    Let me know if there's anything else you need
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    Hey man
    Reminisce — 07/23/2020
    hi there
    [*][1:50 PM]
    sorry i'm not home rn
    [*][1:51 PM]
    i said a few hours not a couple [IMG][/IMG]
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    Oh rip
    Reminisce — 07/23/2020
    want a refund?
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    You'll be able to get to it today right?
    Reminisce — 07/23/2020
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    Then no
    [*][2:13 PM]
    Hopefully you'll have it ready before I can get on [IMG][/IMG]
    [*][2:14 PM]
    5 hours from now
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    You home? [IMG][/IMG]
    Reminisce — 07/23/2020
    no at my grandparents
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    Hey man
    Reminisce — 07/23/2020
    [*][6:32 PM]
    I'm just gonan refund you man
    [*][6:32 PM]
    I can't take this
    [*][6:33 PM]
    Something irl can up and now im being nagged too much
    giga chad — 07/23/2020
    Whats up?
    [*][6:33 PM]
    Oh okay
    [*][6:33 PM]
    Wasn't trying to nag was just following up.
    Reminisce — 07/23/2020
    Alright, but it's gonna take me some more time than expected, I'm still not home and porting the packets are gonna take a bit longer than I expected
    Kept leading me on
    [*]giga chad — 07/24/2020
    Sup dude
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    can you send me your btc wallet
    [*][9:05 PM]
    i can't get you the script in the time you want
    [*][9:05 PM]
    suddenly got really busy irl
    [*][9:05 PM]
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    well dude you told me a few hours lol
    [*][9:05 PM]
    okay np
    [*][9:05 PM]
    it happens
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    yea shit happens lol
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    i understand
    [*][9:05 PM]
    theres no hard feelings
    [*][9:05 PM]
    i was just following up
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    i had to fix api stuff etc
    [*][9:05 PM]
    then i had to do shit irl
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    i mean do you have time tonight?
    [*][9:05 PM]
    or still busy?
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    im working on it still like im converting it
    [*][9:06 PM]
    and doing tests
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    need any help testing?
    [*][9:06 PM]
    so osrsps only has 1 rotation for zulrah
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    yea ik
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    is there any data I can get for you?
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    i have to convert my existing code
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    to make things easier
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    nah its alot of backend
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    what all changes from server to server?
    [*][9:09 PM]
    I'm not super familiar with packets
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    a lot
    [*][9:10 PM]
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    so what's a realistic timeframe for you
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    or are you just not up for it
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    most likely tomorrow
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    like i said i’m still working on it rn
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    like it on my pc coding
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    thought you meant that api
    Reminisce — 07/24/2020
    no i did those earlier
    giga chad — 07/24/2020
    ah cool
    [*][9:48 PM]
    alright im excited

    Shows that he has the script completed but then says hes not giving it to me and is going to refund, but says he can't refund because he has to verify himself
    [*]giga chad — 07/27/2020
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    any update man?
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    yea im done with script
    [*][7:38 PM]
    [*][7:38 PM]
    i want to refund you
    [*][7:39 PM]
    got someone offering more
    [*][7:39 PM]
    not fair to them
    [*][7:39 PM]
    had to patch out a lot of tom's zulrah anti-bot stuff
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    [*][7:42 PM]
    [*][7:47 PM]
    ive sold copies for like $100 lol so idk if i can hook you up you've sold to other people so idk why having me as another customer changes anything
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    not for osps
    [*][7:48 PM]
    sorry dude i just can sell it for a bit more, which i've been in the talks about with
    [*][7:48 PM]
    and like $100 doesn't mean $100
    [*][7:48 PM]
    i never sold it for less than $120
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    yeah but dude, you already accepted my payment [IMG][/IMG]
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    i said $100 as in in that range
    [*][7:49 PM]
    yea no worries imma send it back
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    Okay, are you sending now then?
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    in a bit
    [*][7:50 PM]
    will do
    [*][7:51 PM]
    gotta buy the btc again
    [*][7:51 PM]
    i never keep btc since its volatility
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    will I actually have it within the next hour?
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    You there?
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    [*][9:26 PM]
    yes im here
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    send refund yet?
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    i need to wait for my wallet
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    to buy coin
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    you didnt buy yet?
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    it won't let me for a bit
    [*][9:29 PM]
    dw im not trying to scam you lol
    [*][9:30 PM]
    you can log the whole chat w.e i gotchu when my btc can be bought
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    where are you buying from?
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    some app i use
    [*][9:31 PM]
    i need to verify to buy
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    use coinbase
    [*][9:31 PM]
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    yea issue is i owe $56 some how from 2 years ago when i never used it lol
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    [*][9:32 PM]
    exactly what i said
    [*][9:32 PM]
    i used to use gemini
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    so how long does it take for you to get it
    Reminisce — 07/27/2020
    they need to verify my id
    giga chad — 07/27/2020
    So you placed the order?
    July 28, 2020
    giga chad — 07/28/2020
    You there?
    Reminisce — 07/28/2020
    giga chad — 07/28/2020
    Any luck?
    Reminisce — 07/28/2020
    its been maybe 12 hours
    [*][10:10 AM]
    24-48 hours meng meng
    giga chad — 07/28/2020
    Reminisce — 07/28/2020
    my id needs to be verified
    [*][10:13 AM]
    my identification needs to be verified
    [*][10:13 AM]
    in order for me to purchase the coins of the bits
    giga chad — 07/28/2020
    How are you buying
    [*][10:13 AM]
    Credit / debit?
    [*][10:14 AM]
    Reminisce — 07/28/2020
    i cant buy if i havent been verified yet [IMG][/IMG]
    giga chad — 07/28/2020
    I know, but there's other sites that don't take 48 hours
    Reminisce — 07/28/2020
    That’s good for those sites
    [*][1:18 PM]
    I still need to verify my id
    [*][1:18 PM]
    Please stop pestering man god I’m not trying to scam you LMAOAOAOAOAOAOAOOAA
    giga chad — 07/28/2020
    Dude its been 5 days and I had to contact you to find out you weren't even selling to me Have you never bought btc before?
    Reminisce — 07/28/2020
    No I don’t
    [*][1:20 PM]
    And nah I made the decision that same day I finished it
    [*][1:20 PM]
    I only worked on it for 2 days
    [*][1:20 PM]
    I was at a funeral you scum
    [*][1:21 PM]
    And I wasn’t home for 2 other days
    giga chad — 07/28/2020
    [*][1:21 PM]
    Dude how am I being a scum
    Reminisce — 07/28/2020
    You nagging me helped me come to the decision I didn’t want your fking money
    giga chad — 07/28/2020
    Me asking for a follow up is hardly a nag my dude
    Reminisce — 07/28/2020
    Nah it’s 4-5 times a day
    [*][1:22 PM]
    Now stfu before I actually block you
    [*][1:22 PM]
    I told you I’m getting your fking btc
    [*][1:22 PM]
    Don’t need your money and I don’t ever want it again
    [*][1:22 PM]
    You’re pathetic
    [*][1:23 PM]
    You have no emotion I’m not a fking robot
    [*][1:23 PM]
    I had a fking passing in thr family and yet you here crying for you god damn money
    Other relevant trade screenshots:
    ^ CEO of 52xp and Aither like this.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
  3. Unread #2 - Nov 14, 2022 at 6:30 PM
  4. Yoshiki
    Nov 12, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Typhlosion Umbreon Milotic Lairon Politoed Chansey Le Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Detective
    The Mortyest Morty Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? Not sure if srs or just newfag... TOKI! AM'S YOU WEARINGS MY PANTS? Christmas 2024 Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner

    Yoshiki - Slots & Original Games

    Sethrem Scam Report

    Banned and DNT'd him.
    ^ Corby likes this.
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