Selling PVM Main with 2300s total

Discussion in 'RS3 Mains and Pures' started by Smow King, May 11, 2017.

Selling PVM Main with 2300s total
  1. Unread #1 - May 11, 2017 at 1:29 AM
  2. Smow King
    May 6, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    Smow King Newcomer

    Selling PVM Main with 2300s total

    Since i'm new on the forums, hi, i'm Smowking, and i'm here to sell my rs3 account.

    for a short review of the account here's a picture with the stats with only the last row missing, will provide the missing stats to the interested buyers

    Gyazo - fe0559889f5c5af264049e0058447382.png


    Gyazo - e34de003c9461e8eddd4a1bf6c28a92d.png

    The account has 170/228 quests done, with 305 quest points
    Excelent account for PVM, comes with all the Araxxor base pets and a leg piece
    The price for the account is 160€ or 150m 07, negotiable
    Since i'm not trusted here, i'll be using a mm, and can only accept payments via paypal in case you want to buy it for cash

    Important - The account i'm selling has been my main account for more than 10years, i recently quitted rs3 for Oldschool, and since i'm not planning on playing rs3 again cause of the excessive updates, i'm looking for someone to keep up my legacy on that account

    For those of you who believe in that, the account has some sick RNG

    RNG Highlights - Araxxor base pet at 6kc
    - 5 completed araxxor legs at 300s kc and 3 hilts
    - B2B drops such as Nex items, Drygores, and Leg pieces
    Last edited: May 11, 2017
< Selling Trimmed Comp Account | Do not use mr extremez as a middle man >

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