Scammed for 3b by SlyMover2011

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Shops1, Jan 13, 2021.

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Scammed for 3b by SlyMover2011
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 13, 2021 at 6:51 PM
  2. Shops1
    Oct 13, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    Shops1 Newcomer

    Scammed for 3b by SlyMover2011

    Scammer's profile link: SlyMover2011
    Amount scammed: 3b
    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: NFG#6969 208732146699993088
    Proof that it's their Discord:
    [NFG's Hideout] Selling Cheap Membership Codes
    Explanation of the trade: I will be calling SlyMover2011, NFG as this is his discord name.

    I was staking last night with NFG and Shiv, we where all 3 in a VC on discord in NFGS server. NFG ends up losing 2b and is cleaned and asks me for a loan. He was at a neg 4 streaks so I gave him the loan of 1b and on top another 1b for myself for him to stake for me(this was confirmed in voice chat and in DMS as posted below.) He ends up losing the stake so he is now 1b in debt to me. I end up giving him another 1b for him to chuck for me. He then wins this stake, after he wins he asks me in VC if I want to double up or just cash out at which time I say I want to cash out, and told him to meet at palms where we always meet. As I'm running there he says oh shit I just gave the 2b to another account that was similar to my account's name and got scammed. I want to make it very clear HE DID NOT CONFIRM THE TRADE TO ME IN VC OR DMS. After this went down we argued in VC trying to come to an agreement about what is going to happen he either pays the 2b he just got scammed and the debt of 1b he owes me or I have to take the hit of 2b and just have him pay back his debt of 1b which agree to(screenshot below). After this went down I went to bed to wake up to him deleting the messages of said agreement and backing out of it farther scamming me of 1b, which he is in debt to me.
    How they scammed: I believe he made an alt account with a similar name(screenshot below of him trading it) then pretends to have gotten scam for it. Then after making a deal of all he has to do is pay back the 1b loan and i take the hit is now backing out of it.
    Other relevant trade screenshots:

    his unigue discord id that matches the one posted above for his discord he owns.

    pic of his discord id.

    <redacted> contains rsn

    This is a pic he has sent me in discord showing in chat he traded some1 named thae simp Instead of my alt which is below that trade named thea simp

    picture of him saying at the end as far as he is aware he is -3b to me then edits it to say he is -3b to me if he is to take clam for scamming me. Which as far as to me i belive is a slip up on his part.

    the edited screen shot.

    full screenshot of the agreement that was made. This is also proof that he did agree to the loan of 1b.

    <redacted> contains rsn

    me waking up and seeing on my phone that he went back and deleted those messages

    Another screenshot of my full discord on pc that i took after i was done with work.

    As for the 2b there is hardly any proof that he was the one that scammed it. But as for the 1b loan, these are the screenshot of him agreeing to it then backing out of it and in sense scamming me the 1b. This in my eyes makes him look even more guiltier for scamming the original 2b.
    ^ xWizardx, Clax and OnlyPurples like this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2021
  3. Unread #2 - Jan 15, 2021 at 2:18 PM
  4. Superfluous
    Jul 5, 2012
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User Pool Shark Air Fryer DIAF m`lady Le Kingdoms Player STEVE Creamy

    Superfluous Casino & Sportsbook
    Crabby Retired Global Moderator

    Scammed for 3b by SlyMover2011

    @SlyMover2011 can explain himself in a dispute - banned him for now. Sorry for your loss @Shops1
< Account Recovered - OSRS | appie1995 >

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