Rune-list | [Sponsor Giveaway] UnderRated RSPS Community & Toplist

Discussion in 'Archives' started by johnsonj55, Jun 20, 2019.

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Rune-list | [Sponsor Giveaway] UnderRated RSPS Community & Toplist
  1. Unread #1 - Jun 20, 2019 at 1:39 PM
  2. johnsonj55
    Jul 7, 2018
    Sythe Gold:

    johnsonj55 Newcomer

    Rune-list | [Sponsor Giveaway] UnderRated RSPS Community & Toplist


    Hello everyone, to be clear right now, Rune-list is not under any type of advertisement as we speak. We will initialize advertisements on July 18th, 2019.

    Advertisement methods will remain hidden; as I will display this. Adwords, and YouTube. We will not be using YouTube to display only the website, but we will hire BIG YouTubers in a sense of adding a short clip of our list on their YouTube channels displaying a quick 10 second clip on every video they create. We will select out a few YouTubers and pay them as appropriate.

    1.) The Free Sponsor Giveaway - FORUM AD SLOT for the person on the toplist from the previous month with the highest votes.
    - Details: RSPS Advertisement Giveaway MONTHLY! - Rune-List | RSPS Community | RSPS TopList


    Before release, I will be adding a OSRS/RS3 Item list, object list, and npc list. Instructions on how to create your own RSPS, and to link the forums with the toplist so we can have overall advertisements working 100%

    Everything is automated in our system, sponsored servers, adding servers, auto-vote/callback. We are implementing toplist integration with our forums, once this is done we will release information on how to apply for giveaways 2, and 3.

    Smaller servers, do not miss out on the opportunity to grow with us. We will keep your server sponsored PRIOR to advertisement, and a MONTH after we advertise rune-list for FREE, with NO card information, and NO paypal needed. We will be spending thousands on advertisements, everyone on Rune-list will benefit from our investment!

    Big servers, I'd not miss out on this opportunity to take the sponsor, I mean... FREE advertisement, worry free. Even if you don't want the sponsor, adding your server to our toplist will benefit you on launch.

    My personal discord​

    Join our discord, start advertising now!

    Please, in all of your signatures post your support. If you do not wish too, I completely understand.


    Last edited: Jul 18, 2019
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