Account attempt to scam

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by DaBeaner, Oct 9, 2020.

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Account attempt to scam
  1. Unread #1 - Oct 9, 2020 at 1:40 AM
  2. DaBeaner
    May 15, 2017
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Poker Chip Heidy Extreme Homosex Gohan has AIDS Potamus

    DaBeaner DaBeaner Services

    Account attempt to scam

    Scammer's profile link:Kingosrs1254
    Amount scammed:None
    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: Kingmonkey23#1490 328320069686001668
    Proof that it's their
    Explanation of the trade:This person contacted me since he wanted to buy a HCIM Account off me (Which I have created and handed to trainers to train). I told him to agree to the post ToS (Which he agreed proof below) and also told him that he was agreeing to Sythe tos, Once the sale was finished I asked him to vouch me which he didnt for some reason. After a while (Literally 25 minutes later) he Messaged me saying that he couldnt log into account and that I recovered the account. He posted in my vouches page that I scammed him and even PMed me saying that I scammed him. After that I told him that if he was aware that recoverys actually take longer than 25 Minutes to even process and had to be aproved by jagex. After seeing this he immediately said and I quote "wait, I got in, sorry". And then Deleted the vouch that said I scammed him. Minutes later I forgave him and asked him to vouch me. Which never responded and proceeded to block me
    How they scammed: Tried to accuse me of scamming
    Other relevant trade screenshots: PROOF OF EVERYTHING redacted
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2020
  3. Unread #2 - Oct 9, 2020 at 12:42 PM
  4. Pirate
    Aug 14, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Detective Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner St. Patrick's Day 2024 Hoover The Glizz Verified Ironman Dragon Claws Nitro Booster (3)
    WoW Classic


    Account attempt to scam

    hi, in the future please don't post pics that contains others emails, rsns, and ect
    though it is weird, its possible the user indeed typed in the wrong info or something, seeing how its a new account that he isn't familiar with typing into a login screen. your tos looks fine, and if anything should occur, you being the OO should be able to recover the account easily if he claims its recovered in the next 3 months. Thanks for the report nonetheless hijo
    ^ BlackBlasses and DaBeaner like this.
< Olm Services (possible) exit scam | RsFactory >

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