NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by XD LEL, Dec 19, 2023.

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NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered
  1. Unread #1 - Dec 19, 2023 at 3:42 PM
  2. XD LEL
    Jun 7, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    XD LEL Newcomer

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    Scammer's profile link: @NSDISPLAY
    Vouches if they were exchanged: N/A
    Original selling thread: ❤️INFERNAL 2277 MAIN❤️ ✅MAX POH✅ DIARIES✅ALL RAID KITS✅TRUSTED OO✅
    Proof of payment: TOS + Proof of Payment
    Proof of contacting seller: Proof of Contact
    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: Turtz#1356 + 868630853851422740
    Imgur: The magic of the Internet
    Login username of the account: [email protected] (Now on a different Jagex Account)
    Terms of Service that was agreed to: TOS + Proof of Payment
    Other relevant trade screenshots: imgur.com

    An account I purchased from NSDISPLAY and personally migrated to a Jagex Account was recovered and imported into a different Jagex account.
    I spoke with him in hopes of finding a resolution but he was unable to recover the account back for me after several attempts. He claims that since he can't verify whether the account was actually recovered that his lifetime no-recovery guarantee does not apply here and that I am out of options.
    The account was originally purchased for 9.3b osrs and had about 7b worth of wealth on it.
    Since I'm unable to reach a resolution with NSDISPLAY I'm looking to sythe to reach a final decision.
    ^ Gregory, Vbt, Wolf and 1 other person like this.
  3. Unread #2 - Dec 19, 2023 at 5:19 PM
    May 26, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    NSDISPLAY Forum Addict

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    As i have discussed with you on discord, this account was sold to you well over 6 months ago.

    I am not liable for anything that happens to the account after 30 days as per my TOS states.

    As a seller I cannot guarantee what has happened to the account, you may have sold it to someone else and now trying to re-gain possession + funds that you may have gathered in the sale. ( I am not accusing you of this but this is a very common occurrence in the account sale business) hence why we include TOS which many sellers do.

    I have sold multiple accounts in the last 12-16months & have not had a single issue or complaint.

    All the account information was given to you, the email and password were changed after payment & you then proceeded to attach it to your JL.

    You cannot message me 6 months later stating "The account has been merged to another JL" and assume it was me and try to slander my name in middle of it.

    I have tried assisting you and sympathizing with you as best as possible but to label me a "scammer" is unfair & unjust.

    I would like someone from the Sythe support or Admin team to please look into this and assist in which direction should be taken moving forward.

    I also do find it quiet suspicious that after at least 6-8months of the account being sold to XD LEL I was messaged by him regarding the ironman I have listed, asking me how much i wanted for the account etc & supposedly just two days later he messages again saying the original account I sold him has been switched to another JL & if i could recover it for him. Could be a coincidence but I do feel it's a notable mention in my case. imgur.com
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2023
  5. Unread #3 - Dec 19, 2023 at 5:27 PM
    May 26, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    NSDISPLAY Forum Addict

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    I have also advised the buyer i will no longer communicate with him on discord as i feel like he's using what i've said to try and slander my name and reputation & it's best we discuss here on open forum with the sythe administration.

    Out of the goodness of my heart I tried to assist you as best as possible and when it wasn't the outcome you were expecting when you asked me to re-imburse you the purchase amount of the account & i decline as again mentioned in our TOS that we're not liable for anything that happens to the account after purchase & that would leave me out of pocket 9.3b you then decide to label me a scammer and accuse me of hijacking the account.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2023
  7. Unread #4 - Dec 19, 2023 at 5:33 PM
    May 26, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    NSDISPLAY Forum Addict

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    These are my TOS


    • I will not be held responsible for any bans after the account has been assigned to your e-mail address/possession. Once you buy the account it is your property and the in-game character can no longer be affiliated with myself.
    • You must change the password after buying this account from me. I will remind you to do this after you buy the account.
    • All account information and recovery details will be given to you after a full payment has been made for the account/s
    • No refund/s can be initiated under any circumstances. I will not be liable for the account after it is sold to you. If you resell it that is your choice but I cannot help/assist the new buyer.
    • As the buyer you can exercise a buy back clause, I will buy the account back for 50% of what you paid for it after a 7-day rest period to ensure no bans/mutes.
  9. Unread #5 - Dec 21, 2023 at 9:50 AM
  10. XD LEL
    Jun 7, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    XD LEL Newcomer

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    I feel like this is a blanket statement could be used in almost all recovery related claims to avoid responsibility. The only TOS we agreed to can be seen here: TOS + Proof of Payment and I fail to see how it is relevant to your statement here.

    TOS + Proof of Payment clearly states a lifetime guarantee against account recovery hence I feel it is appropriate to contact you and expect a resolution.

    I did not call you a scammer nor attack you personally. I simply found the support offered very lacking (A few denied recovery attempts). You claim that you don't remember all of the information because the account was created a long time ago (this is understandable) yet someone was able to submit a successful hijack claim and get the Character moved to a different Jagex Account. This is the part that has me puzzled since you told me you are both the original owner & creator of the account and haven't shared details with anybody else.

    I wasn't given any recovery information (only username and password) hence only you should have the info necessary to submit a successful appeal.

    These were not the TOS that were agreed to between you and me. I have included a screenshot of the terms we both agreed to in our sythe DMs in the original dispute post. TOS + Proof of Payment
    The TOS you quote above may have been added to your future account sales but you cannot expect them to retroactively apply to this one.
    ^ owned and Gregory like this.
  11. Unread #6 - Dec 21, 2023 at 5:09 PM
    May 26, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    NSDISPLAY Forum Addict

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    I include my own TOS on every account sale post for this exact reason, I also agreed to YOUR TOS which you keep referring to and did state there would be no recovery & I have stayed true to this. I did not recover the account. I tried to assist you as much as possible, more than most sellers would & because you didn't get the outcome you wanted I had a scam report made against me.

    1. Why would I recover an account & cause my self a headache whilst I have two extremely high value accounts up for sale at the current time, as you can imagine having a scam report attached to your name isn't ideal when trying to conduct business.

    2. The account was sold to you nearly 7 months ago, how can it be proven this account hasn't exchanged owners multiple times since leaving my possession and now I'm trying to be used as the escape goat in some sort of elaborate scam that leaves me out of pocket for something that hasn't even in my control for more than half a year?

    3.I have sold multiple high end and extremely valuable accounts over the last 12-16months, I have yet to have a single complaint regarding any of them & especially no recovery claims, so why would that change now, especially when I have my most expensive accounts currently up for sale.

    4. I find it extremely out of the ordinary that after not conversing with you for the last 7 months since the day of sale, you message me randomly on discord asking me for a price of the ironman I have listed, I proceed to tell you the current offer I have on the account & you tell me it's currently out of your budget but you'll see how things change after new years & supposedly just 2 days after that you re-message me saying that the account I sold has been "recovered" and now you want me to try and get it back for you, From my point of view it seems like you have sold the account, gotten paid for it & now trying to do the same thing you're accusing me of doing but by using me as a avenue to do your dirty work. (This is not a direct accusation against yourself, but from my point of view this is what it seems like as it is definitely a common tactic in the account buying/selling market).

    5. I tried to do a recovery for you & it failed, I cannot control jagex's decisions even though I completely disagree with them 99% of the time, the account was created 10+ years ago, expecting someone to remember every aspect of account information is completely absurd, do you remember your creation ISP of account made 5-10 years ago? None of my accounts that get sold have ever needed to be recovered nor did they ever have multiple password/email changes, I don't know what jagex's expectancy of account information they require to accept appeals is but whatever information I have & remembered didn't suffice in their eyes. Even then I should have not gotten involved as like i keep mentioning, I had no control over the account for the last 7 months, It could of been sold multiple times & now it's a my word vs your word kind of thing & now i'm implicated in something that I should not be.

    6. I sold the account to you without it being attached to a jagex launcher, after the email and password were changed by yourself you then proceeded to link the account to your own personal jagex launcher which you stated to myself, which according to jagex is the absolute highest form of account security they offer which was designed to avoid this very situation isn't it? That is why i strongly believe the account was manually transferred to another JL by it being re-sold and purposely attached to someone else's. (Potentially the new buyer).

    Circumstances like this are unfortunate for all parties but I must do my best to protect the integrity of my name & online presence especially in the sales aspect, If i refuse to get involved further, you cannot claim my offer of support was "lacking". I pride my self on conducting truthful business' & not having a single complaint ever made against me is true testament to that claim.
  13. Unread #7 - Dec 24, 2023 at 8:10 PM
    May 26, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    NSDISPLAY Forum Addict

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    Can someone from sythe administration/support help me with this please? It's affecting my business.
  15. Unread #8 - Dec 26, 2023 at 3:17 PM
  16. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User March Madness (2) Summer 2022 Secret Santa Summer 2024 Verified Ironman Ursaring Gohan has AIDS Homosex <3 n4n0

    $300 USD Donor New Gentlemen Global Moderator

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    @NSDISPLAY Simply placing TOS on a thread is not valid to support the other user accepting this. Do you have anything to support showing the TOS to OP & him accepting this? Your TOS also doesn't mention any type of warranty period of 30 days as you are indicating.
    ^ owned likes this.
  17. Unread #9 - Dec 26, 2023 at 4:34 PM
    May 26, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    NSDISPLAY Forum Addict

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    TOS + Proof of Payment @Kanye I understand, I didn't realise I had to physically get a "yes" to my TOS directly, I believed having tos on my post would suffice. I also agreed to his TOS which states "there would be no recovery in the accounts life time under his ownership & he also states in his TOS I won't be liable for any account bans etc which I should of added more detail to. I agreed to the TOS that there will be no recoveries but that's not the same thing as him expecting me to recover the account at any given moment just because he requests a recovery, that's a whole different ball game that neither of us agreed to.

    There's also alot more context to this post than simply my TOS. No seller has anything to do with a account sold more than nearly 7 months ago due to the fact that there is absolutely no way of knowing if the new owner has sold it multiple times & is now trying to get it recovered via the OO, leaving some other person out of pocket.

    Simply stating "the account was recovered" & blaming me when It's left my possession for 7months isn't fair. Especially when they cannot prove if it was sold or not.
  19. Unread #10 - Dec 26, 2023 at 4:59 PM
  20. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User March Madness (2) Summer 2022 Secret Santa Summer 2024 Verified Ironman Ursaring Gohan has AIDS Homosex <3 n4n0

    $300 USD Donor New Gentlemen Global Moderator

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    @NSDISPLAY you will need to assist in recovery of this account as you have a default period of 2 years per the rules as no TOS was agreed upon on your end.

    It is important to confirm and finalize an agreed upon TOS. Unfortunately the additional scenarios you are indicating there's nothing to support this. OP has indicated he has lost access to the account and by default you are responsible for 2 years.
    ^ Dbuffed and owned like this.
  21. Unread #11 - Dec 26, 2023 at 5:05 PM
    May 26, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    NSDISPLAY Forum Addict

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    I tried to recover it out of the goodness of my heart & my appeals were denied. Which I did mention to him.

    Also where is the proof that the account has been recovered on his part? He hasn't shown any form of proof that he has lost ownership of anything.

    I can grant you access to all my emails, my jagex launcher that has only one account linked (my ironman) & you expect me to have to reimburse him just because he so happens to say he has lost ownership of the account? How in any world is that fair?
  23. Unread #12 - Dec 26, 2023 at 5:13 PM
    May 26, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    NSDISPLAY Forum Addict

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    It's not fair I am being held responsible in a he said/she said type of ordeal, especially when I have never had any issue with anything I've sold on sythe, the OP hasn't even replied in over a week since I laid out everything on the table which is another indication of him being in the wrong & him knowing I've caught onto his elaborate scheme. There has to be justice, I can grant you full access to my pc @Kanye you can go through all emails, go through my jagex launcher which shows literally 1 account, you can do whatever you like because I have absolutely nothing to hide nor have I done wrong by any person.
  25. Unread #13 - Dec 26, 2023 at 7:48 PM
  26. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User March Madness (2) Summer 2022 Secret Santa Summer 2024 Verified Ironman Ursaring Gohan has AIDS Homosex <3 n4n0

    $300 USD Donor New Gentlemen Global Moderator

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    @NSDISPLAY again this is why it is important to set TOS & ensure they've read/understand it. It's not a scenario where staff can check every single PC/email/account (nor do we request this) - it's ultimately your word versus his & what comes into play is the TOS. There is no valid TOS requiring you to be responsible for the account for two years.

    If you cannot recover the account to return it to OP you will need to refund this @NSDISPLAY
    ^ owned likes this.
  27. Unread #14 - Dec 26, 2023 at 8:10 PM
    May 26, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    NSDISPLAY Forum Addict

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    Yet again, he has not shown any valid proof of the account being taken out his possession, he hasnt shown any proof of it NOT being sold to someone else, he hasn't shown any proof of anything & yet my word is against his & I'm still the one that needs to refund? I don't think this scenario holds up anywhere. If it's my word vs his & both parties cannot come to agreement I don't see how I'm left to carry the costs. It's completely unjust & I won't stand for that & I will seek legal advice & take this matter further.
  29. Unread #15 - Dec 26, 2023 at 8:21 PM
  30. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User March Madness (2) Summer 2022 Secret Santa Summer 2024 Verified Ironman Ursaring Gohan has AIDS Homosex <3 n4n0

    $300 USD Donor New Gentlemen Global Moderator

    NSDISPLAY - Jagex Account Recovered

    @NSDISPLAY has been banned & will keep a DNT as he is unwilling to help in a scenario in which he did not have any TOS in place. OP has provided screenshots showing that the jagex account was imported to another jagex account & is indicating he no longer has access to the account.
    ^ Dbuffed and owned like this.
< Our guy is here again | not a scam >

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