[Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

Discussion in 'Pending Suggestions' started by PijaVenosa, Jul 27, 2023.

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[Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing
  1. Unread #1 - Jul 27, 2023 at 1:39 PM
  2. PijaVenosa
    Oct 16, 2012
    Sythe Gold:
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    Poképedia Pokémon Trainer Tier 1 Prizebox (3)

    PijaVenosa Forum Addict
    $200 USD Donor New

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    • Too many threads: Currently there's a lot of traffic on the sections, it's impractical for consumers and surely hard for mods too manage.
    • Generic threads: Many businesses just try to offer every service by reselling with 0 added value.
    • High quality providers hidden: With low value threads taking so much space, quality providers have less real estate
    • Disincentive to specialize: Businesses suffer as well, especially considering businesses are often amateur entrepeneurs who need some guidance. Businesses should be encouraged to specialize in a niche, not to spread out and try to be everything.

    Bumping: The current bumping rule limits the extent of bumping to 1 per 4 hours. But by allowing 1 bump per thread, this incentivizes the creation of multiple threads, the more thread a business has, the more visibility, the meta is thus to make one thread per section and max out exposure.

    Users get 1 bump every 4 hours. Not 1 bump per thread. If a user wishes too, they may have 2 threads and distribute their bumps so that each thread gets a bump every 8 hours, or 3 threads bumped every 12 hours, and so on.

    Bump frequency may be adjusted to account for the reduced bumprate, but it's probably not necessary.

    If you'd like to see a better Sythe, please show your support by posting or reacting. If not, let me know why you'd be against the idea.

    Regards, Pija
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
  3. Unread #2 - Jul 27, 2023 at 1:43 PM
  4. PijaVenosa
    Oct 16, 2012
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    PijaVenosa Forum Addict
    $200 USD Donor New

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    As a complement, a more agile solution which requires less bureoucratic approval and can be implemented faster would be for a mod to pm notable threadmaxxers and politely ask them to cut down and focus on a single prouct.

    Some criteria to define a threadmaxxer:

    - Makes a thread in every section
    - Every thread offers every possible service for that section
    - Consistently bumps every 4 hours
    - Is known to outsource fullfilment
    - Has a low amount of sales per thread
  5. Unread #3 - Jul 27, 2023 at 1:47 PM
  6. Dbuffed
    Jul 29, 2013
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Two Factor Authentication User Heidy Easter 2023 (2) Christmas 2023 Hey... this isnt a fun rank Secret Santa Tier 1 Prizebox Poképedia
    <3 n4n0 WoW Classic

    $200 USD Donor New Angelic

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    No support, sorry.
    ^ Kyojuro likes this.
  7. Unread #4 - Jul 27, 2023 at 4:54 PM
  8. MyPvM
    Jun 4, 2020
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    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    I do not support.
    We, for example, offer pretty much everything besides some very very niche things. Why should we limit ourselves to one thing only?
    Of course there are some that outsource, but its still legitimate business at the end of the day - as long as the client is informed.

    Also limiting = less sales = less motivation to be active = less revenue for the website
    ^ Kyojuro likes this.
  9. Unread #5 - Jul 27, 2023 at 5:52 PM
  10. PijaVenosa
    Oct 16, 2012
    Sythe Gold:
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    Poképedia Pokémon Trainer Tier 1 Prizebox (3)

    PijaVenosa Forum Addict
    $200 USD Donor New

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    You would still be able to have multiple threads, it's just that your bumping would be limited.

    Not really, the amount of bumps you get would not change how many sales occur within sythe as a whole.

    Yeah it's legitimate. I don't even think the client needs to be informed. It's just that it's a layer that doesn't add any value.
  11. Unread #6 - Jul 27, 2023 at 5:59 PM
  12. PijaVenosa
    Oct 16, 2012
    Sythe Gold:
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    Poképedia Pokémon Trainer Tier 1 Prizebox (3)

    PijaVenosa Forum Addict
    $200 USD Donor New

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
  13. Unread #7 - Jul 27, 2023 at 9:00 PM
  14. Kyojuro
    Dec 7, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
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    Two Factor Authentication User Summer 2023 Potamus Heidy (2) Summer 2024

    Kyojuro Set Your Heart Ablaze
    Kyojuro Donor

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    That Logic doesn't apply in a Virtual World. No Support.

    You have to offer more services to stay concurrent in the Virtual World/Economy. The more you offer in the Virtual world the more your likely to make a decent return. In regards to the auto-bumping were trying to reach a resolution here: Auto Bumping
    ^ owned and PijaVenosa like this.
  15. Unread #8 - Sep 27, 2023 at 1:47 AM
  16. The Kappin
    Feb 17, 2018
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    The Kappin Member

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    I support this, I don't think you need to offer more at all. I think that's what someone trying to do what everyone else has already done would try and do. I think you just need to be better at what you do offer. nobody wants to schedule quests for tomorrow, next week, get a cape in 6 days, wait literally months for account creation, Just be damn good and available always at what you actually do. There's NONE of those guys charging double for RIGHT NOW SERVICES. I fully support this. There's nothing worse than hopping in all these discord servers to wait two hours for replies to be told 2 hours later from then once they have outsourced the work, that they can start my quests tomorrow afternoon. People pay more for right now services. Cater to them. That's an ENTIRE market your forgetting.
    If you want to be a true AIO create an AIO section of the market for people that are looking for that specifically. bump your threads every hour in that section. But damn even trying to find logins the other day was hell cycling through "misc accounts" and seeing more people advertising their services with 1-2 tut island accounts for sale.
    ^ PijaVenosa likes this.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
  17. Unread #9 - Sep 27, 2023 at 6:03 AM
  18. Kizaro
    Jan 31, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
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    Penguin Swellow Spinda Primeape Tangrowth Ninetales Fearow Seadra Kingdra Spearow
    Weedle Wurmple Magikarp Wynaut Chingling Breloom Barboach Zigzagoon Dusclops Milotic
    Linoone Gardevoir

    Kizaro Formerly known as Ankie
    Ankie Donor

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    No support,true there alot of people advertise 24.7
    While they barley on.
    However you cant judge everyone on sythe because of this,more threads more active website.
  19. Unread #10 - Sep 27, 2023 at 4:30 PM
  20. The Kappin
    Feb 17, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
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    The Kappin Member

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    More threads more for people to sift through to find what they actually want. More threads = more people advertising things they cant fulfill = worse user experience =people leave to other markets that are MUCH easier to navigate.
  21. Unread #11 - Sep 27, 2023 at 4:57 PM
  22. Kizaro
    Jan 31, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Discord Unique ID:
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    Penguin Swellow Spinda Primeape Tangrowth Ninetales Fearow Seadra Kingdra Spearow
    Weedle Wurmple Magikarp Wynaut Chingling Breloom Barboach Zigzagoon Dusclops Milotic
    Linoone Gardevoir

    Kizaro Formerly known as Ankie
    Ankie Donor

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    Not correct at all. When people log in to Sythe and check the channels, seeing 40+ threads and an active website, they will stay. As I said, you cannot include everyone, and people who advertise things but can't fulfill their promises must be punished. However, removing bumps or forcing it to one thread per 4 hours makes no sense."
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
  23. Unread #12 - Sep 27, 2023 at 6:58 PM
  24. Utopia
    Mar 19, 2023
    Sythe Gold:
    Tier 1 Prizebox (15) Potamus (3) Lawrence (4) Gohan has AIDS (7) Heidy (3) Poképedia Pokémon Trainer Two Factor Authentication User

    Utopia Formerly known as Gartec
    Velasso Donor

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    Holy word salad! Basically you want to decrease the amount of times users can bump in 24 hours. Doing that solves none of the problems you listed. The only market on this website which receives a majority of this website’s traffic is Runescape. So the restrictions you want to impose would actually further decrease activity in the other markets.

    The excessive threads issue can be reduced to competition of the front page. Markets are competitive. Consumers should sift through pages to find the best marketer for the products they want.

    The suggestion you should make in this instance is to increase the amount of threads 1 page can hold/display.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
  25. Unread #13 - Sep 27, 2023 at 7:16 PM
  26. The Kappin
    Feb 17, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
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    The Kappin Member

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    So these 40+threads that are needed to be active cant be considered active from daily bumping? from actual active users using Sythe, interacting with others, and networking, itself? your saying that bumping threads creating inflated numbers of a false perception of market is a good way of advertising?

    Someone running a service on a site that is available at their pc as a service provider daily cant bump their thread daily? Isn't that kind of their personal responsibility to maintain their business advertisement? Maybe if they had special promotions or something contextually new and beneficial for the community that would count as worthy of more than a bump? But then again, they wouldn't ever see it buried in the bumps right?

    Did you have to sift through 100 apps to find Amazon? How many pages do you search on Amazon before making your purchase? How much time do you waste on the $2 cheaper option from someone that takes 3 weeks to deliver but you can with prime get the $2 more item tomorrow? what about market tools they have to search by price? (I know that's crazy, its not even a forum anymore then right?) Also have you even downloaded or browsed Temu? Trying to really pinch pennies for quality? I'm guessing not or only once because of a bad experience or it not even being worth the hassle because of the expectation that's going to come with all products from it knowing they are subpar. I think your idea of marketing is a little outdated and one-sided my dude no offense. Your not thinking from a buyers perspective at all.

    As a whole, this sounds Like a lot of laziness from people hoping the scrape something out of a community VS bring something new or beneficial to it.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
  27. Unread #14 - Sep 27, 2023 at 8:57 PM
  28. Utopia
    Mar 19, 2023
    Sythe Gold:
    Tier 1 Prizebox (15) Potamus (3) Lawrence (4) Gohan has AIDS (7) Heidy (3) Poképedia Pokémon Trainer Two Factor Authentication User

    Utopia Formerly known as Gartec
    Velasso Donor

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    None of these things are applicable here because this is a message-board market. For example, on Amazon, their algorithm favors sellers who are ranked higher (more sales, reviews, views). If we applied those algorithmic processes, it would only propel users who have the most vouches/views/thread replies. Doing that is counterintuitive in regards to what this suggestion is asking for. Also, decreasing the amount of bumps per 24 hours still does not solve any of the issues OP listed. The problem here is that with the volume of threads/listings in the market, it makes it easy to drop off the front page if many users are bumping threads within a given time frame. There isn’t much that can be done about that. Hence my mention of competition. From the buyers perspective, they are more likely to go to what they see in front of them (front page), but it is still recommended for them to view past the first page, as it would be for any other website market listing.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
  29. Unread #15 - Sep 27, 2023 at 9:56 PM
  30. The Kappin
    Feb 17, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
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    The Kappin Member

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    I don't see anything wrong with that in the respect of the actual work the person is putting in, I think it would negate the need for bumping bots as a whole for those who are that established, and then people who are either A. striving to get their name known or B. those working for it advertising themselves 2x daily is realistic for both. I think if anything its a more transparent look at the market and helps users locate what the want much easier, creating more traffic. Having people vouch on their threads when services were completed should keep threads active enough, most service providers used to encourage this. Now its more of a if you have time. Providers used to give services for vouches to establish a reputation.

    Now I can also agree with this. The problem %100 lies within the volume of useless listings, and them being bumped just because of the other services offered. I think they work hand in hand together. If the number of listings were limited to or creating a AIO specific category, maybe a max of 2 postings in the market section as a whole, I think it would make navigation a world easier.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2023
  31. Unread #16 - Sep 27, 2023 at 11:09 PM
  32. Utopia
    Mar 19, 2023
    Sythe Gold:
    Tier 1 Prizebox (15) Potamus (3) Lawrence (4) Gohan has AIDS (7) Heidy (3) Poképedia Pokémon Trainer Two Factor Authentication User

    Utopia Formerly known as Gartec
    Velasso Donor

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    Having a fair and balanced market should be the standard here. There shouldn't be prioritized listings. You will unintentionally create monopolies that way. The current setup is best because it gives everyone a chance to build up their own business on a leveled playing field.

    What qualifies a listing as useless? Threads created in the market that don't follow guidelines appropriate for said market are usually locked and buried. Limiting use in the market is the opposite of a free market, which is what I believe this website is striving for.
  33. Unread #17 - Sep 28, 2023 at 2:12 AM
  34. The Kappin
    Feb 17, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
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    The Kappin Member

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    I don't understand how your creating prioritized listings. No one post would be prioritized over another. It would reflect work done and work done only. That seems very fair and balanced. How can you say what their currently is, is a balanced market? Tell me how someone small would not feel forced into spending $500 to be able to auto-bump their thread on top of having to have one coded for them? So you want to Pay-Gate decent advertising for those who already have and don't want to work any further to continue growing their business?

    I would say instances of thread criteria containing more about other services than the category it is under, that seems useless to its category. That would be a great start. Limiting use is already in effect with market guidelines, its only one more guideline. this gives the market order in its own. It makes for better content on the end user side hence why the guidelines exist. New users definitely don't get that experience. I know my friends don't, And almost everyone I talk to on discord has similar things to say about the marketplace and its state. People are going to other markets as a whole because of this. All of these sellers know this and advertise on their platforms as well.
  35. Unread #18 - Sep 28, 2023 at 6:00 AM
  36. Slash
    Jan 3, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
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    <3 n4n0 Extreme Homosex Pokémon Trainer Poképedia Sythe's 10th Anniversary

    Slash Formerly known as Slashz
    Slash Donor

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    No support reduces a lot of potential for people who have AIO.

    Rather remove auto bumping to solve and tackle some issues you highlighted.
  37. Unread #19 - Sep 28, 2023 at 8:57 AM
  38. Utopia
    Mar 19, 2023
    Sythe Gold:
    Tier 1 Prizebox (15) Potamus (3) Lawrence (4) Gohan has AIDS (7) Heidy (3) Poképedia Pokémon Trainer Two Factor Authentication User

    Utopia Formerly known as Gartec
    Velasso Donor

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    If you believe that listings being displayed should use an algorithm similar to that of Amazon, then you are in favor of prioritization because certain listings would be propelled based on traffic/vouches/replies. Doing that is actually not fair for newer users in the market looking to do business and would have the opposite effect of what you're advocating for.

    Balanced from the standpoint that there is no inherent prioritization of listings. I wouldn't consider an auto-bump to be "advertising". I also don't believe users are feeling coerced into optional donations. The topic of auto-bumping all together is a different topic that is currently being discussed Auto Bumping. I do agree that auto-bumping should not be a site feature, let alone accessible only by donating a certain amount. I echo that position on the thread I provided.

    This sounds like something that can be addressed by reporting the thread. Can you list some examples so I can better understand what you mean?

    Can you better describe the limitations you're experiencing? There is an uphill battle when you are a new user looking to do business in the market. I don't believe that to be specific to this website, but for all markets.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2023
  39. Unread #20 - Sep 28, 2023 at 10:25 AM
  40. PijaVenosa
    Oct 16, 2012
    Sythe Gold:
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    Poképedia Pokémon Trainer Tier 1 Prizebox (3)

    PijaVenosa Forum Addict
    $200 USD Donor New

    [Pending] Make Sythe Great Again: Limit threadmaxxing

    Not necessarily decrease the total times a user can bump, but remove its scaling with threads, so that there is no incentive towards making one thread in each category, and there's more rewards to those who specialize in a category.

    Yes the AIO nerf is by design.

    Not against removing autobumping, but that has its own separate thread.
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