Long Time 'Scaper, New Coder, Looking For Cred And Wisdom

Discussion in 'Introductions / Farewells' started by deterredburglar, Nov 2, 2024.

Long Time 'Scaper, New Coder, Looking For Cred And Wisdom
  1. Unread #1 - Nov 2, 2024 at 2:32 PM
  2. deterredburglar
    Nov 2, 2024
    Sythe Gold:
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    deterredburglar Newcomer

    Long Time 'Scaper, New Coder, Looking For Cred And Wisdom

    hey guys, I'm an aspiring coder and fairly new to this type of forum. I have an rs3 main that i play daily. Around a year ago, I bought gp from a big seller and caught a rwt warning weeks later. That's when I started researching and working on this identity.
    I'm currently working on a script that should be well within the rs3 rules to run when it's finished, and plan to set up some alts on a completely separate machine/ip just to have in the future.

    I joined Sythe because I've always heard this is where the best congregate. I have no vouches, and no spare $, but I'm willing to do account services for cheap or even free for members in good standing in the community. I have a fair bit of wealth on my main that I'd be happy to middle-man, so long as the MM account is fairly clean, and understands that the acct. did catch a RWT warning(no offence history) within the last year. I'm also comfortable with any buyers with solid vouches suspending payment until goods received kinda deal, if that helps somehow.

    Again, my coding knowledge is a joke, but I'm eager to learn, so if there's any way I can help anyone with something of the sort, I'd be glad to help for the learning, and a little street cred on the side wouldn't hurt either.

    If anyone's interested in my current ideas and project, or would like to impart any wisdom on me whatsoever, feel free to DM me.

    Thanks for reading!
  3. Unread #2 - Nov 2, 2024 at 3:13 PM
  4. President
    Jul 24, 2009
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    Gohan has AIDS

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    Long Time 'Scaper, New Coder, Looking For Cred And Wisdom

    Hey man, welcome!

    What client are you using? And what project are you working on? :D
  5. Unread #3 - Nov 2, 2024 at 3:38 PM
  6. deterredburglar
    Nov 2, 2024
    Sythe Gold:
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    deterredburglar Newcomer

    Long Time 'Scaper, New Coder, Looking For Cred And Wisdom

    Thanks! I'm currently just using the jagex launcher, as I nearly only play rs3 right now, and have been a good boy since my incident. As of right now, it's a python program heavily dependent on win32. I don't want to describe it out in the wild too in-depth, but my goal is to have an end-product similar to alt1, but with a better and faster method of interpreting rs3. In broad strokes, It will be a customizable overlay, capable of displaying abilities/actions to use in real-time for pvm, and likewise logging yours for self-improvement or sharing rotations.

    I'm currently struggling to find a way of efficiently adding and setting all the variables needed for this already, as well as others for other functions(g.e. values, abil. damages etc.) I'm also struggling immensely to get a certain py library figured out at the moment, which as of now is essential if I want my work to have any use over alt1. My inspo was half TheRSGuy's custom abil. tracker, and half the broken alt1 bank tab evaluator that's been broken since jesus rose.

    I'm dying for any pointers or thoughts, and happy to share more deets in DM!
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