Level 85 Zerker, 99 Magic, Bgloves, Halo, Fcape + more

Discussion in 'OSRS Pures & Skillers: Level 70+' started by tomdaman123, Aug 19, 2019.

Level 85 Zerker, 99 Magic, Bgloves, Halo, Fcape + more
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 19, 2019 at 10:57 AM
  2. tomdaman123
    Aug 31, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    tomdaman123 Member

    Level 85 Zerker, 99 Magic, Bgloves, Halo, Fcape + more

    Account Stats -
    Screenshot - efe19b2bdd604d5b54a5f21e921ec622 - Gyazo

    Account Level -
    Screenshot - e8ed7960779e21d56cb630b238dc0705 - Gyazo

    Bank Tab -
    Screenshot - 25888e2ee57f049d5f9980177570e334 - Gyazo

    Account Offences -
    Screenshot - 5f44b19745a33e176e0ad20da4ef7af6 - Gyazo

    Quest Points -
    Screenshot - 5e6362abd9c71da485f928ee0d188068 - Gyazo

    Selling this account because it just sits around and I personally don't enjoy pking much anymore so just looking to find this account a good home. Looking for $200 dollars IN OSRS GOLD, Aprox. 300-400m gold.
    A/W 350m
    Current Bid 200m
< Sold | [SELLING] [No Email Set] 1 Def Pure ✨ 75 Att ✨ 89 Str ✨ 99 Range ✨ 97 Magic ✨ 83 Construction >

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