Kaizer UwU DNT Pardon For Scamming Years Ago

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Rainbow, May 8, 2020.

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Kaizer UwU DNT Pardon For Scamming Years Ago
  1. Unread #1 - May 8, 2020 at 6:29 PM
  2. Rainbow
    Apr 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
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    Rainbow Formerly known as Kaizer UwU
    $200 USD Donor New

    Kaizer UwU DNT Pardon For Scamming Years Ago

    • Your profile link: Kaizer UwU
    • All of your Sythe Accounts: @Kaizer UwU @Nekkoala
    • Report/post/reason that got you banned: Nekkola scammed me 10m
    • Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims: None. The user is banned
    • Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now: Nothing.
    • Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you: I don't expect to be forgiven. I did a shitty thing but I've changed and matured. I've grown up and realized that scamming for 10m was beyond petty. 10M was not worth the loss I had when I was banned. I saw plenty of cool people back then and just threw those potential friendships away when I scammed for 10M. I have absolutely no problem with repaying the 10M I did take, I will admit to that. I didn't ever drop the untradables that were mentioned as I never went into his bank. I had 100% forgotten about what I did because it was that minuscule, though scamming is scamming. I've donated $100, I've got people I'm working with right now who have already paid first (which I'm more than happy to show progress with on their accounts!) and have been in contact before with trying to get to work with people in their businesses, including throwing in 100M deposits to show I'm serious about this now. I do not want to scam, I just want to be given one more chance to show I'm changed. I've not ban evaded or made accounts in attempts to scam more.
    • Did you fully read and follow this sticky thread in the pardon section?: Yes, I have.
    • Previous pardon link(s) if applicable: N/A

    I am more than happy and willing to refund my current orders if need be to ensure no scam is happening on their accounts. I'm currently working on an account for someone that will be a pure who paid 50M beforehand, without a MM, and left 30m for supplies, without me scamming at all. To put myself in good standings, I will happily refund them their money if requested. I understand what I did was shitty and I completely forgot I did. I can own up to it and hope to move on from it.

    EDIT: I went through the posts on Nekkoala and found where I advertised a service and now remember another thing. You can compare my post about my services I offer now to the one I posted on Nekkoala. You'll see they're virtually identical. That's because I found my post just a day or so before posting it. I wasn't 100% wanting to try and advertise services just because I understand how difficult it is to get my name out there. When I found the post, I just thought I'd do it and, for some reason, just figured that, since it was years ago, it wouldn't be remembered or some connection would be made or whatever. Obviously, it was and I should have come clean about it when I first remembered and, for that, I do apologize and accept whatever punishment I have to. I can understand how that would be classified as ban evading, however I have full intents to pay back what I have to in hopes of being forgiven.
    ^ Money and ThrexServices like this.
    Last edited: May 8, 2020
  3. Unread #2 - May 8, 2020 at 7:59 PM
  4. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
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    Kaizer UwU DNT Pardon For Scamming Years Ago

    Hello @Kaizer UwU,

    Users: Kaizer UwU

    Kaizer UwU
    Nekkola scammed me 10m (10m 07 @ April 2017) - $10.50 to repayment

    As your victim is banned the money will go to community repayment. Please send no less than $10.50 to the following BTC address:


    After that is done please reply here with a link to the transaction or send it to me on Discord.
    For more information on how to reply to a pardon, please see this thread.
    ^ ThrexServices likes this.
  5. Unread #3 - May 8, 2020 at 8:16 PM
  6. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Verified Hardcore Hoover CoolHam Battleship Champion Team Fight Tactician Rupee Detective Member of the Month Winner Homosex Two Factor Authentication User
    Pokémon Trainer Poképedia Nitro Booster (3) St. Patrick's Day 2024 Shitting Rainbow


    Kaizer UwU DNT Pardon For Scamming Years Ago

    I can confirm that the above money owed has been repaid. Staff see deleted for proof.

    As there are no further debts and no signs of evasion this can now move into voting. Results can take up to two weeks and when a verdict is reached, your name will be shown in this thread.

    Until then, please remain patient, thank you.
    ^ ThrexServices and Rainbow like this.
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