Scammer OSMBunny

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by itumi, Mar 24, 2018.

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Scammer OSMBunny
  1. Unread #1 - Mar 24, 2018 at 10:28 AM
  2. itumi
    Apr 12, 2013
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    itumi Member

    Scammer OSMBunny

    Scammer's profile link: OSMBunny

    Explanation of the trade: Paid 462.5m for account

    How they scammed: Tried to buy account from him, payed 300m at first then he gave me account and password, after i payed other 162.5m he blocked me.

    Proof that it's their Skype: Screenshot

    Skype profile ID & conversation pictures:
    Skype log: will enter in spoiler below

    Associated account (the acc he took money with):
    RSN: Pro Mage
    Image: pic

    OSRS account details:
    Login name: [email protected]
    Password he gave me: staking123
    IN-Game username: halfrek

    Skype log:
    [11:27:44] adam payne: Hi
    [11:28:00] *** adam payne would like to add you on Skype ***
    [11:38:24] Jake Rahu: Hello
    [11:38:37] adam payne: Hows it going its osmbunny
    [11:46:55] Jake Rahu: Hey yeah about the acc
    [11:46:59] Jake Rahu: I think i wanna buy it
    [11:47:21] Jake Rahu: But im busy for 1h, talk with you then :)
    [12:27:06] adam payne: No problem.
    [13:12:00] Jake Rahu: Okay im here now

    [13:12:22] Jake Rahu: So, whats the buy it right now proce in osrs gold
    [13:31:00] adam payne: Give me an offer
    [13:31:37] Jake Rahu: ill give u 350m
    [13:32:22] adam payne: Thats 262$ thats a little low
    [13:32:30] adam payne: I wont use the gold ill be reselling it
    [13:35:44] Jake Rahu: is it username login ?
    [13:36:20] Jake Rahu: oh sorry, read it on thread that its not
    [13:36:38] Jake Rahu: hmmh
    [13:36:42] Jake Rahu: make me a counter offer then
    [13:36:55] adam payne: Its not, its email login which will also be provided
    [13:37:07] Jake Rahu: so you will give me the email account too, correct ?
    [13:37:08] adam payne: What are your options with crypto?
    [13:37:17] adam payne: Thats correct. If you want it
    [13:37:24] Jake Rahu: nah, dont wanna deal in crypto, sorry
    [13:38:05] adam payne: Id be happy with 500m.
    [13:38:08] adam payne: Which is 375
    [13:38:10] adam payne: Usd
    [13:38:50] Jake Rahu: okay then, meet me in the middle and lets make it 425m and i will buy it right now
    [13:47:34] adam payne: 475 its yours
    [13:47:41] Jake Rahu: 450
    [13:57:57] adam payne: 465
    [13:58:08] Jake Rahu: lol :D
    [13:58:13] Jake Rahu: 460 then
    [13:58:21] Jake Rahu: just to feel like i have won :D
    [14:01:11] adam payne: 462.5
    [14:01:24] Jake Rahu: lol k :D
    [14:01:34] adam payne: Lmao
    [14:01:39] Jake Rahu: :D
    [14:02:01] Jake Rahu: sooo
    [14:02:08] Jake Rahu: we are both pretty much at same trust level
    [14:02:12] Jake Rahu: but my sythe acc is much older
    [14:02:31] Jake Rahu: do you feel comfortable going first ?
    [14:02:35] Jake Rahu: or maybe half half ors
    [14:05:41] adam payne: Im busy atm, ill be back in like an hour. Im not handing my account over first. As much as i appreciate youve been on the forum for a long time i wasnt involved in the blackmarket when i actually played. Now that ive quit im only here to sell my accounts. ( i was a nerd, i had loads) but due to irl reasons i dont have any more free time.
    [14:06:17] Jake Rahu: okay, well lets discuss it later then , but i think ill go 300m first and rest after i get acc, ok ?
    [14:07:05] adam payne: Okay we could arrange something. I have quite a bit of information logged, would you like that with the account?
    [14:07:20] Jake Rahu: yeah ofcourse
    [14:07:31] Jake Rahu: every bit of information is appriciated
    [14:07:37] Jake Rahu: btw, why you quitting ?
    [14:08:58] Jake Rahu: oh lol
    [14:09:03] Jake Rahu: you already wrote it :D
    [14:10:06] adam payne: I had one job prior and i could only find a couple hours a week to play, even then i forced myself to play i didnt even enjoy it. Now that my baby has arrived and i have an extra job you can do the math.
    [14:10:20] Jake Rahu: jup
    [14:10:34] adam payne: Plus i need a new car so i thought id sell my accounts off, atleast soemone can enjoy them rather them gathering dust
    [14:10:48] Jake Rahu: baby at 21 years of age... thats pretty young for a father
    [14:10:53] Jake Rahu: :)
    [14:11:01] adam payne: Yeah the wife is 19 :eek:
    [14:11:12 | Edited 14:11:17] Jake Rahu: lol, and im 27 and playing osrs xD
    [14:11:24] Jake Rahu: fml :D
    [14:11:33] adam payne: I aint judging brotha
    [14:11:46] adam payne: As long as your life is healthy you do you
    [14:11:53] Jake Rahu: tru
    [14:11:56 | Edited 14:12:17] adam payne: You have the time to play?
    [14:12:11] Jake Rahu: yeah, have a Office job where i have lots of free time
    [14:12:18] Jake Rahu: thats why i started playing again
    [14:12:42] adam payne: Oh damn man, i wish i had an office job so i could watch videos and play games hahaha
    [14:12:52] Jake Rahu: lol indeed :D
    [14:13:05] Jake Rahu: but trust me, it gets boring in a while
    [14:13:37] adam payne: I see something new every day, im a postman
    [14:13:47] adam payne: And in the evenings im a delivery driver
    [14:13:51] Jake Rahu: doesnt get boring for you :D
    [14:14:05] adam payne: You gotta put food on the table, i know it sounds boring but not really
    [14:14:16] adam payne: You meet of interesting people.
    [14:14:21] adam payne: Good and bad
    [14:14:23] Jake Rahu: nah man, if i would have a child id do anything for him/her
    [14:14:24] adam payne: Alot of*
    [14:14:31] adam payne: Exactly man
    [14:14:39] adam payne: She's my life
    [14:14:43] Jake Rahu: (Y)
    [14:17:15] adam payne: Atleast i get weekends off, but that all goes with the family
    [14:17:27] adam payne: How come you're buying an account?
    [14:18:30] Jake Rahu: yeah as i said, i have lots of free time @ job
    [14:18:39] Jake Rahu: so just to get time by faster
    [14:19:31] adam payne: Oh so you into pvm or pking
    [14:19:41] Jake Rahu: pvm
    [14:20:05] adam payne: The last guy who bought my alt main said theres a lot more content now
    [14:20:12] adam payne: You should have a blast
    [14:20:34] Jake Rahu: yeah, wanna do the new raids thing when it comes out :D
    [14:20:45] Jake Rahu: and i dont wanna bother training my main that i have
    [14:20:50] Jake Rahu: hate skill training tbh
    [14:21:28] Jake Rahu: i have max cmb stats but need to do hunter and mining, god i hate mining :D
    [14:21:39] Jake Rahu: so i jsut tough i would buy an acc
    [14:22:41] adam payne: Yeah fuck that shit. If you think about it you could make more money working that putting the time in
    [14:22:59] adam payne: Man i had to grow up real quick at 20
    [14:23:12] Jake Rahu: yeah im still a child tbh :D
    [14:23:23] adam payne: But i realised theres more to my life, ive found a purpose
    [14:24:20] Jake Rahu: tru, i think i wont grow up until i get a child
    [14:25:54] adam payne: Only do it when you're ready. I felt as if it would be the best choice for me and im against abortion
    [14:41:45] adam payne: Sorry are you gonna be buying the gp?
    [14:41:55] adam payne: Or is it already in your possession
    [14:42:13] Jake Rahu: its in my hand
    [14:42:21] Jake Rahu: possession *
    [14:42:24] adam payne: Ok thats good
    [14:42:27] Jake Rahu: jup
    [14:42:33] adam payne: Less chance of a ban on my end.
    [14:42:53] adam payne: Okay well ill be ready to trade in like 20 minutes if you're on?
    [14:43:01] Jake Rahu: yeah ill be on :)
    [14:43:20] adam payne: Alright pal see you then
    [15:26:44] adam payne: Sorry for the wait she made me go to zara. Im driving back now
    [15:26:51] adam payne: 10 mins
    [15:27:01] Jake Rahu: np :)
    [15:40:01] adam payne: Im home.
    [15:40:22] adam payne: let me quickly find the file i’ve got the info on.
    [15:40:42] adam payne: when you buy it, you want me to send the notepad file or just copy paste
    [15:41:12] adam payne: Also i’d just like to mention, some of the info is private information, i’d prefer if you didn’t share it. If you do ever decide to sell it (completely fine) ask me first.
    [15:43:34] Jake Rahu: i would like Notepad
    [15:43:46] Jake Rahu: and sure, i will not be selling it for a year at least :)
    [15:44:52] adam payne: Okay thats not a problem
    [15:45:36] Jake Rahu: so, im at world 333 duel arena entrance
    [15:46:10] adam payne: Can we meet up in 308 alkharid gate
    [15:46:15] Jake Rahu: yup
    [15:46:58] Jake Rahu: im there
    [15:47:03] Jake Rahu: wishwashko
    [15:47:36] adam payne: rsn mage pro under you
    [15:47:45] adam payne: please confirm with me before you accept
    [15:48:06] Jake Rahu: its me
    [15:48:13] adam payne: Me.
    [15:48:15] adam payne: 2nd page
    [15:48:22] adam payne: Okay 2 secs.
    [15:50:19] adam payne: [email protected]

    can you log in and confirm
    [15:50:25] Jake Rahu: sec
    [15:51:02] adam payne: i need a confirmation of everything checking out before we move on pal.
    [15:51:04] adam payne: :)
    [15:51:51] Jake Rahu: okay, im in
    [15:51:56] Jake Rahu: im gonna change email now
    [15:52:12] adam payne: No, the email is getting changed when i’m holding all the money.
    [15:52:16] Jake Rahu: oh
    [15:52:17] Jake Rahu: okay
    [15:52:29] adam payne: i need you to give me new email and new pass
    [15:52:29] Jake Rahu: trading
    [15:52:37] Jake Rahu: email [email protected]
    [15:52:44] Jake Rahu: pass anything
    [15:52:56] adam payne: Ok
    [15:53:03] adam payne: Ready when you are.
    [15:53:17] adam payne: me, 2nd trade
    [15:53:21] Jake Rahu: jup
    [15:53:58] adam payne: ok changing
    [15:55:05] adam payne: waiting for the emails to come through
    ^ ipker likes this.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2018
  3. Unread #2 - Mar 24, 2018 at 3:32 PM
  4. Pkhonor Seller
    Aug 19, 2016
    Sythe Gold:

    Pkhonor Seller Member

    Scammer OSMBunny

    This man just scammed and recovered my account too
  5. Unread #3 - Mar 26, 2018 at 1:23 AM
  6. Champ
    Aug 28, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    Sythe's 10th Anniversary Gohan has AIDS Pokémon Trainer

    Champ Hero

    Scammer OSMBunny

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  7. Unread #4 - Mar 26, 2018 at 1:09 PM
  8. gangstacj511
    Jan 29, 2018
    Sythe Gold:

    gangstacj511 Forum Addict

    Scammer OSMBunny

    That osmbunny guy randomly pmed me looking to buy gp from me the other day when I never had a post selling it, thought I'd share that info since the report was on him
  9. Unread #5 - Mar 26, 2018 at 1:36 PM
  10. KarrN
    Sep 6, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    KarrN Member

    Scammer OSMBunny

    I suggest doing [email protected] about the account sale and itll be permanently banned for RWT. Scammers need to learn theyr lesson to so they cant re-scam someone with same account over and over again.
  11. Unread #6 - Mar 26, 2018 at 2:27 PM
  12. Champ
    Aug 28, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    Sythe's 10th Anniversary Gohan has AIDS Pokémon Trainer

    Champ Hero

    Scammer OSMBunny

    User has been banned. He can explain himself in a dispute.

    @itumi Sorry for your loss.
    ^ KarrN and itumi like this.
< Supporting information for the ban report on Inveterate | Inveterate took me for 1b 07 >

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