This is my third time doing desert treasure. The thing is I used prayer on my other accounts. I want to keep my 11 prayer. How would I kill the Ice Diamond guy I believe Kamil with out prayer? Without having a person to help you block him. My stats are 82 mage 63 hp 82 str 60 atk and 63 combat.
Apparently a blocker still works if you get him trapped around some of the rocks or something. I don't quite remember, but I remember someone posting how it's done.
If you can't find anyone to block for you then I reccomend you wear the best armor you can along with rocktail or pineapple pizza and a cannon. Leave the cannon near him until he is dead and attack him every once in a while. If you get low on food let the cannon do the rest of the work. If you can't afford a cannon then you could always use sara brews and super restore.
i've killed kamil 8 times so far... this month. i always use a blocker but sometimes i tank him, really never done DT with prayer, except on my main. just bring plenty of rock tails lol.
i usually bring both, brews for emergencies(i usually bring 5 brews 2-3 sup restores and rest rock tails)
Rocktails heal 230 lp per, and sara brews heal 480 lp or 360 lp and 1 dose of restore per inventory space. I'd say to bring both, as rocktails will heal you faster if you get into a sticky situation but you'll need sara brews to hold out in the long term.
100 should be enough cannon balls. Rocktails, sara brews and super restores. Bring a range pot as well if you are ranging him.