Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Alch, Jan 13, 2017.

Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft
  1. Unread #41 - Jan 13, 2017 at 4:15 PM
  2. iHateQuesting
    Nov 14, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    iHateQuesting Hero

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    You understand how code works right? Where did Bogla find you lol.
  3. Unread #42 - Jan 13, 2017 at 4:16 PM
  4. MadDev
    Jan 13, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    MadDev Forum Addict

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    I know enough about it to not sell websites with known exploits :)

    That's besides the point, I'm not really understanding what your claim is with that? You shared code?
    ^ MyLineOfCoke likes this.
  5. Unread #43 - Jan 13, 2017 at 4:20 PM
  6. iHateQuesting
    Nov 14, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    iHateQuesting Hero

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    We developed it all together, it's ours to do whatever we want with. Bogla is claiming it was made for him and him only, i'm asking for proof.
  7. Unread #44 - Jan 13, 2017 at 4:34 PM
  8. MadDev
    Jan 13, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    MadDev Forum Addict

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    Did Bogla hire you to develop his custom website?
    ^ MyLineOfCoke likes this.
  9. Unread #45 - Jan 13, 2017 at 4:54 PM
  10. Azie
    Jul 13, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    Azie Time is money so I went and bought a Rolex

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    Can you make a separate report regarding this because I find it very strange and coincidental. Did he take evidence of wealth on account regularly or only just before the account was hacked/recovered at a time when this report was created lol. If you want to discuss via Skype/discord just hit me up.
  11. Unread #46 - Jan 13, 2017 at 5:15 PM
  12. hattez
    Dec 20, 2010
    Sythe Gold:
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    hattez Hero

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    I actually had no idea about this report up until recently. I was messaged by Yuri early this morning. He spoke with me because we had discussed this very same account previously. I had come to player swap team speak looking to buy some of their accounts. Yuri linked me his and I attempted to buy it. Once he told me you were the oo I immediately declined to purchase it. He asked me why and I explained to him who u are and what will happen if you get caught for caring finally. He was mildly concerned but kept moving forward with the account. I've known Yuri for years. He's always had a large amount of money or gold. He covers huge bets and has never scammed. He has a rock solid reputation with everyone. I truly believe you seen the stream and recovered the account. I hope u get perm banned because I know you won't refund. Fuck off
  13. Unread #47 - Jan 13, 2017 at 5:17 PM
  14. hattez
    Dec 20, 2010
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    hattez Hero

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    Get caught for vading** auto correct phone
    ^ strawsombrero likes this.
  15. Unread #48 - Jan 13, 2017 at 5:25 PM
  16. hattez
    Dec 20, 2010
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    hattez Hero

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    You also need to take into account that none of the playerswap guys stay active on sythe. He only looked after the account was locked. He asked me for advice and I immediately reported it to video. He was hoping not to make a ruckus and possibly get his money back.
  17. Unread #49 - Jan 13, 2017 at 6:45 PM
  18. Sythe
    Apr 21, 2005
    Sythe Gold:
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    Dolan Duck Dolan Trump Supporting Business ???
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    Sythe Join our discord


    Administrator Village Drunk

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    Assuming the developer was working under contract (but not employment) the ownership of copyright depends on the contract terms. So we need evidence of what was agreed when the website was developed.
    ^ tMoon, Hahanerd, Sunny and 5 others like this.
  19. Unread #50 - Jan 13, 2017 at 7:44 PM
  20. Alch
    May 25, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User In Memory of Jon Tier 1 Prizebox Member of the Month Winner

    Alch Previously known as Bogla
    Bogla_Man_Toilet Donor

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    I'm not sure if I have access to early correspondence as it was early 2015 and I've since discarded a couple of old laptops, but part of the terms I agreed to, as seen on his service topic is "All services will be carried out solely by me, and no 3rd party will be involved (unless you specify otherwise)," adding to 2 previous confessions from IHateQuesting that Joshua(Quid) was the one who developed the site and not him.

    [SVU][$100 Donor] » Quids Website Development «
    ^ Mr Extremez likes this.
  21. Unread #51 - Jan 13, 2017 at 8:04 PM
  22. iHateQuesting
    Nov 14, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    iHateQuesting Hero

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    As you know you went through Ballers for the website work, this would make Quid's TOS irrelevant for actual development of the project but valid for the small amount of work you vouched him for. You vouched on that thread saying he did some "quick changes" which he probably did, but the actual website was developed under Ballers.

    [$25 Donator]Website Design Service[Big VOUCHES]

    Edit: as seen on that thread there is no TOS stating the website would or would not be specifically made for you with all rights and copyright included.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
  23. Unread #52 - Jan 13, 2017 at 8:43 PM
  24. Alch
    May 25, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User In Memory of Jon Tier 1 Prizebox Member of the Month Winner

    Alch Previously known as Bogla
    Bogla_Man_Toilet Donor

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    Ballers found me Quid to do fixes on the RS3Goldmart site I did ( seen here: RS3GoldMart stole my design ), and then Quid and I, exclusive of ballers, agreed on a price to make a new site – we actually had a basecamp together discussing additions to the website in which Quid & I were accessed (and not ballers).

    You said/implied Joshua made the site on two different occasions, and only denied it once those statements made it clear your web development business is hinged on using code that you didn’t write. In addition to this, Quid also states he doesn’t outsource his work, though a weak statement coming from a banned user, it only adds to your confessions of him making the website.

    The vouches for “quick changes” was just that – making quick changes to the website he made for me. You seem to be attempting to use that as proof that he wasn’t the one who made the website.

    You’re clearly being as evasive as possible, and have lied on one or more occasions about your identity (Ihatequesting - ban evasion ), and your involvement in the coding of boglagold (Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft). You’re trying to set a Sythe precedent where despite admitting yourself that you had no involvement in the website, the burden isn’t yours to disprove your own statements affirming this, and that you can lie as much as you want to the moderators until you find a lie that works.
    ^ Mr Extremez likes this.
  25. Unread #53 - Jan 13, 2017 at 9:47 PM
  26. iHateQuesting
    Nov 14, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    iHateQuesting Hero

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    You posted that Quid and his TOS was the contract that you had, I'm saying that the thread was 6 hours old when you vouched him, which isn't enough time to complete the website. So you're lying. You're right I did say Quid was the main developer on the project and he did make it, I never said he didn't. This entire report is steam, I'm still waiting for the contract you had with Quid detailing the rights to the code.

    Your next reply should be proof of this agreement. You didn't post an agreement publicly on his thread (because the website was done by the time he made his own thread).

    Sythe asked to see this contract which will prove the report is either valid or not. If you didn't have a contract with Quid that covers the areas of this report it can be closed.
  27. Unread #54 - Jan 13, 2017 at 10:07 PM
  28. Alch
    May 25, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User In Memory of Jon Tier 1 Prizebox Member of the Month Winner

    Alch Previously known as Bogla
    Bogla_Man_Toilet Donor

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    If you look closely at the topic you linked, I vouched Ballers for 8 hours of work, when Quid was doing work through him, and it's clearly referring to the old site that RSGoldMart made ( RS3GoldMart stole my design ), and not the more recent old site Qiuid made. I ditched that site because it was stolen code. I also vouched Quid for the time he took to make the new website(an entire new website, rather than modifications to the old). It's even stated on the Quid vouch that he made me a website, while on ballers' I vouched him for 8hours of modifications (note that this was done through Quid prior to me meeting Quid).

    The construction of the code you obtained from Quid was communication directly between Quid and I. I also mentioned that Ballers introduced me to Quid, rather than finding him on Sythe. Nothing I've said in the course of this report has been a lie or misleading.

    Your first post on this thread states that you wrote most of the code for BoglaGold, and for the third time you're changing your story and saying that Joshua now wrote the code. You're literally just stating new stories as they become more convenient.
    ^ Mr Extremez likes this.
  29. Unread #55 - Jan 13, 2017 at 10:58 PM
  30. iHateQuesting
    Nov 14, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    iHateQuesting Hero

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    Point being, you had no contract with Quid regarding what you're reporting me for. Quid was the main developer, this doesn't mean he wrote 99% of it or even half of it, it means he was the main developer who oversaw the project and made sure what needed to be done got done. If you're so set on getting me banned, why not reach out to him and ask him to confirm or deny what I'm saying?
    ^ Agnostic likes this.
  31. Unread #56 - Jan 13, 2017 at 11:48 PM
  32. MadDev
    Jan 13, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    MadDev Forum Addict

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    We hired Quid as the main developer, who's thread states that he does not outsource his work to 3rd parties. We can assume by this that he wrote the entire website himself, whereas you cannot prove that you have any involvement in the sites creation.

    If you have proof that you built half the site, we'd like to see it.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
  33. Unread #57 - Jan 14, 2017 at 5:16 PM
  34. iHateQuesting
    Nov 14, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    iHateQuesting Hero

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    Quid's TOS was for work after BoglaGold had already been created, that site was completed around January 6th, and had been being worked on since December. I don't see a public agreement of any kind for that specific development.

    I will ask an admin to verify Quid's inbox/sent box to make sure there wasn't one privately. However, the way the world works is you're innocent until proven guilty. Bogla opened a report saying I'm stealing intellectual property, I'm still waiting to see proof it was sold to him and just him under a contract or is this still just slander?

    Also, I have reached out to Quid, I'm hoping he will reply sooner rather than later with information I can use to prove my involvement. (which isn't even needed, as it's innocent until proven guilty)

    Just for the record, this is how far we've gotten in the entire report.


    - Bogla claimed to have had a contract with Quid regarding his website creation, I found this to be false (at least there isn't one publicly, however i'm sure if Bogla it would be posted by now) in a few posts above as Quid posted his TOS in January and Bogla's website was started in decemeber, therefore this TOS wasn't actually even created until then.

    -Bogla has accused me of stealing intellectual property with 0 proof that he owns all rights or even proof that he had any kind of contract for the development.
  35. Unread #58 - Jan 14, 2017 at 6:01 PM
  36. Alch
    May 25, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User In Memory of Jon Tier 1 Prizebox Member of the Month Winner

    Alch Previously known as Bogla
    Bogla_Man_Toilet Donor

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    I’ve never claimed to have any sort of contract regarding the use of the code, nor is that the full scope of the course of this report. The linked thread with his terms implies that it states he works on his own, rather than a partner. An inboxed pm won’t verify that I agreed to his ToS, as the site was made via Skype/Basecamp communication (you should know this), both of which are no longer present, and as you stated, it was prior to his website thread being made.

    Quid has scammed 2K+ USD from me, which is the reason his last pardon got declined. Whether or not he posts here, his opinion would be given with a precedent of nothing to lose and a clear dislike of me. I welcome him or yourself to post with proof of you writing most of the code though, as it would help straighten out your constantly changing story.

    During this course of this report you’ve accused me on several occasions of being dishonest, all of which have been false. Conversely, you have contradicted yourself, exposing your own lies for the sake of changing your story – all of which have been posts on this forum section attempting to prove your innocence to moderators.

    · Joshua made my site Ihatequesting - ban evasion

    · You made the majority of my site Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    · Joshua made my site Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    · Joshua made the site, but you made most of it (unclear what you’re claiming your involvement here is, seems you’re trying to keep it open ended) Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    Additionally, proof has been presented that Quid was involved in the coding of the site from the source code, proof has been presented that Quid intended to act alone on site projects as seen here : [SVU][$100 Donor] » Quids Website Development « . Evidence has been presented that the job was not done through ballers, as I only vouched him for RS3Goldmart fixes , and I vouched Quid for the entire site.

    You compare this to real life court (innocent until proven guilty) - which is fine, but you don’t show up to court with nothing backing up your defense. You haven’t shown a shred of evidence of involvement in the coding of the website, and it’s unclear what your claimed involvement in the website is because you’ve presented 4 different answers that show clear confusion and/or dishonesty of how my site was made. Instead of presenting a defense, you’ve been calling me dishonest, and at some point in this thread you implied I’m a hacker.
    ^ Mr Extremez, Felix, Dank and 1 other person like this.
  37. Unread #59 - Jan 14, 2017 at 6:31 PM
  38. iHateQuesting
    Nov 14, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    iHateQuesting Hero

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    You are reporting me for stealing "your code" and reselling it. Sythe himself has asked to see the contract in which entitles you to all of the rights.

    You're sitting here acting as if Quid's thread he made after your website was done is any kind of contract to prior work.

    Quid's thread was posted after BoglaGold nearly done, if not already done.

    You are sitting here saying I'm not defending myself, I have nothing to defend myself from. We are all still waiting on this contract you had with Quid at the time BoglaGold was started, not a thread he made for additional website work that you vouched on for "making some changes".

    It appears Quid launched his thread because of the vouch and proof of work he had after BoglaGold was created.

    Can you please show a PM to him of you agreeing to a Terms of Service that wasn't even posted?

    @Sythe Bogla has no contract, this is 3 pages of going back and forth, he's claimed he agreed to a TOS that wasn't even posted until his website was done. *the vouch on his web development thread actually said he made some changes to his site* I'm not seeing any type of actual agreement, and no mod has stepped in.

    You keep saying my story changed because I said i developed a majority of the code yet Quid was the main developer. I already explained this multiple times, you keep coming back with the same thing.

    You have been asked to provide a contract, if you can't provide one this entire report is invalid.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
  39. Unread #60 - Jan 14, 2017 at 6:59 PM
  40. Alch
    May 25, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User In Memory of Jon Tier 1 Prizebox Member of the Month Winner

    Alch Previously known as Bogla
    Bogla_Man_Toilet Donor

    Ihatequesting - Intellectual Property Theft

    The precedent you’re setting in this report is:

    · You can take anyone’s code as long as a contract isn’t present, without proof that you wrote it, or that it’s yours.

    · When evidence is presented of somebody else writing the site (your own words, however you try twisting them 1 year later) with actual code being displayed to verify it, it’s completely disregarded as long as another party said they wrote the code.

    And more specifically to Sythe:

    · You can keep lying and changing your story in your defense until you find a lie that puts you in a better light.
    ^ Mr Extremez likes this.
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