GIMarketplace Scamming 10b+

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Bils, May 21, 2023.

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GIMarketplace Scamming 10b+
  1. Unread #1 - May 21, 2023 at 10:51 PM
  2. Bils
    Jul 23, 2019
    Sythe Gold:
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    Baby Yoda Green Finger Bitch! CoolHam Potamus <3 n4n0 (3) Lawrence Gohan has AIDS Heidy (2) Poképedia
    Rakashrug Pokémon Trainer Hoover Two Factor Authentication User

    Bils Join Bils Services Discord For All 07 S - Click Here
    $500 USD Donor

    GIMarketplace Scamming 10b+

    Link to the scammer: The GIM Marketplace
    How he scammed:He been selling gim items in my gim shop , he scammed 2 of my clients
    1: client sent him account details + bankpin so he can do the trade him self , and he cleaned the bank i have screenshots proofs if necessary

    Proofs Deleted post

    2: Client paid him 1.9b for items reservation , he couldn't complete the trade because he was on gim cd until he leave his group

    Proofs Deleted post

    3:scammed me for 2600m
    Proof at :uid link

    Proof that he is gimmarketplace
    Deleted post

    Discord and UID
    Screenshot - 706483e4a0b3921860afeb798e17f77f - Gyazo
    Screen capture - 597c140b6b9fce816ee007d903c38866 - Gyazo
    Last edited: May 21, 2023
  3. Unread #2 - May 22, 2023 at 4:44 AM
  4. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
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    Verified Hardcore Hoover CoolHam Battleship Champion Team Fight Tactician Rupee Detective Member of the Month Winner Homosex Two Factor Authentication User
    Pokémon Trainer Poképedia Nitro Booster (3) St. Patrick's Day 2024 Shitting Rainbow


    GIMarketplace Scamming 10b+

  5. Unread #3 - May 22, 2023 at 10:30 PM
  6. The GIM Marketplace
    Apr 13, 2023
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Summer 2022 Halloween 2022 Valentine's Day 2021 Christmas 2020 Hoover Halloween 2020 (2) Not sure if srs or just newfag...

    The GIM Marketplace Active Member

    GIMarketplace Scamming 10b+

    Talking with Bil's/ KT right now on Discord
    ^ Rustyy93 likes this.
  7. Unread #4 - May 23, 2023 at 3:28 AM
  8. Bils
    Jul 23, 2019
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Baby Yoda Green Finger Bitch! CoolHam Potamus <3 n4n0 (3) Lawrence Gohan has AIDS Heidy (2) Poképedia
    Rakashrug Pokémon Trainer Hoover Two Factor Authentication User

    Bils Join Bils Services Discord For All 07 S - Click Here
    $500 USD Donor

    GIMarketplace Scamming 10b+

    1: Still Not Solved And would need Mod Judge Who's Mistake

    2: Client paid him 1.9b for items reservation , Paid : proof :

    3 : My 2600m are returned :
    ^ Rustyy93 and Dbuffed like this.
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
  9. Unread #5 - May 25, 2023 at 2:40 PM
  10. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
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    Verified Hardcore Hoover CoolHam Battleship Champion Team Fight Tactician Rupee Detective Member of the Month Winner Homosex Two Factor Authentication User
    Pokémon Trainer Poképedia Nitro Booster (3) St. Patrick's Day 2024 Shitting Rainbow


    GIMarketplace Scamming 10b+

    Last edited: May 25, 2023
  11. Unread #6 - May 25, 2023 at 9:18 PM
  12. The GIM Marketplace
    Apr 13, 2023
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Summer 2022 Halloween 2022 Valentine's Day 2021 Christmas 2020 Hoover Halloween 2020 (2) Not sure if srs or just newfag...

    The GIM Marketplace Active Member

    GIMarketplace Scamming 10b+

    @Andy Waiting on Bil's to allow access to view some tickets, so I can share my side :) Thx
  13. Unread #7 - May 26, 2023 at 6:41 PM
  14. The GIM Marketplace
    Apr 13, 2023
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Discord Unique ID:
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    Summer 2022 Halloween 2022 Valentine's Day 2021 Christmas 2020 Hoover Halloween 2020 (2) Not sure if srs or just newfag...

    The GIM Marketplace Active Member

    GIMarketplace Scamming 10b+

    Got access to the tickets now :D

    So basically, how it went down was. I went to do some trades via GIM and when it came down to Deathknight's turn (he makes me log on) the account was in 20+ wildy with items in inventory. To me, it felt strange because on the other 10+ times I've transferred for him, he was usually in node all ready. So I messaged whoever was on his discord (based on answers, seems to be a shared account? Idk) and Bil's about it. I probably should have SS'd where he was but I didn't want to get his acct pked so I just go out asap then ss'd then proceeded to transfer his 2 items then got off to take care of my 7 month baby since she was sick/fussy and messing with keyboard when I was doing the trades. After, I was informed that all his items were gone. Not really sure what he lost but apparently it was all of it.

    Proof for those:

    I was given the password to his account again in ticket at around 1:15pm but told whoever was on it and gave me the password that I wouldn't be able to log on until later after I was done w/ my other 2 trades. Bil's can verify the two trades that happened before as it was posted on his channel history + ticket. After those two trades, I transferred the two items he was buying to my groupless account to give to him. These trades/transfers happened between 1:20-1:45pm PST then at 1:47, I told him that I was ready.

    Proof for those:

    I told Bils that I record my trades (mostly to get SS if I miss one for the channel to show our trade history), but the recording was forever loading (I record via Loom). I went to recover the video on the site and they recovered it but only 10 mins of it was captured and when I tried to get the rest from customer support they told me the rest was lost (think the connection from VPN is what caused unstable connection. I use it to log onto his account near his real location to avoid any IP bans). I was away for awhile while I awaited a response from Loom's customer support + tending to the baby.

    Proof for those:

    Now I can see how bad this may look since I didn't reply for awhile and hence Bils + KT filing a report on me for hacking/quit scamming/scamming. I take blame to not replying but I was dealing with quite a stressful situation IRL. I can see why Bil's and KT had to report me but it did hurt my reputation in many ways (people leaving horrible messages, charging back, banning from servers, etc). Something I have to deal with after the fact.

    I have done 100b+ in sales in 1 month and have bought banks that were 1-14b in size and was growing the momentum in the GIM markets so throwing it all away would be stupid over a 5b bank that Death stated he had. I was starting to grow in good relationships with many people throughout Sythe and I've had people sell banks bigger than him go first and to think if I was to quit scam or exit scam.. why wouldn't it have been on those? Also, if I could prove my DMs on my discord.. I never once messaged anyone about selling items, etc to add to the amount I could have scammed/hacked.

    I did borrow 2b from KT and 2b from Bils for my latest 10b bank buy and they can vouch to the reasoning of me borrowing that amt from them. I also had a 1.9b pre-order from a client which added to the amount I would have quit scammed for since the client paid forward that amount and was just waiting for GIM cooldown. All in all it was 2b,2.6b,1.9b paid the day after the report. All have been paid off. I feel bad and shocked for what happened to Death and even asked Bil's to give him my 1b deposit to help his damages.

    Overall, it was a bit of miscommunication and false accusations that led to the report and hope that we can move forward from this. My reputation and relationships is probably forever hit from these two reports but it is what it is..
    ^ Hedgepig likes this.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2023
  15. Unread #8 - May 28, 2023 at 11:10 AM
  16. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Verified Hardcore Hoover CoolHam Battleship Champion Team Fight Tactician Rupee Detective Member of the Month Winner Homosex Two Factor Authentication User
    Pokémon Trainer Poképedia Nitro Booster (3) St. Patrick's Day 2024 Shitting Rainbow


    GIMarketplace Scamming 10b+

    @Bils is this account cleaning issue the only thing remaining? Do you have any further evidence that @The GIM Marketplace was the perpetrator?
  17. Unread #9 - May 31, 2023 at 1:24 PM
  18. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Verified Hardcore Hoover CoolHam Battleship Champion Team Fight Tactician Rupee Detective Member of the Month Winner Homosex Two Factor Authentication User
    Pokémon Trainer Poképedia Nitro Booster (3) St. Patrick's Day 2024 Shitting Rainbow


    GIMarketplace Scamming 10b+

    There is not enough proof to say that @The GIM Marketplace was the one who removed the items from the account, it was also made clear that multiple people had access to said account which further casts doubt on this claim.

    The other debts have been resolved so I have removed the DNT on @The GIM Marketplace, however it will be replaced with a TWC for suspicious behavior, which may be disputed in 30 days.
    ^ Worthy Services and Bils like this.
< Kinavaras Recovered Account | [Resolved] >

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