[EUW] CHALLENGER DUO - Boosting Service .

Discussion in 'LoL ELO Boosting' started by EUW Challenger Duo, Mar 8, 2017.

[EUW] CHALLENGER DUO - Boosting Service .
  1. Unread #1 - Mar 8, 2017 at 12:10 AM
  2. EUW Challenger Duo
    Mar 7, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    EUW Challenger Duo Newcomer

    [EUW] CHALLENGER DUO - Boosting Service .

    Proof - http://i.imgur.com/OAT6TCt.png Gyazo - edaf7c73a07ea66a97619aceb27aecbb.png
    Challenger EUW duo providing a high win-rate reliable boosting service from bronze to master and anywhere in between and Coaching from Challenger Players with experience playing all roles at the highest mmr. Boosts we have already completed - Gyazo - 9448d6a8d2a4b78a7202d93f08adee8b.png , Gyazo - 70675bfd52131004510a64f483389576.png .

    Bronze V>Bronze II - €10
    Bronze II>Bronze I - €10
    Bronze I>Silver V - €10
    Bronze V>Silver V - €50
    Silver V>Silver II - €15
    Silver II>Silver I - €15
    Silver I>Gold V - €15
    Silver V>Gold V - €75
    Gold V>Gold II - €20
    Gold II>Gold I - €20
    Gold I> Plat V - €20
    Gold V>Plat V - €100

    Plat II>Plat I - €25
    Plat I>Diamond V - €35
    Plat V>Diamond V - €135

    Diamond V>Diamond IV - €50
    Diamond IV>Diamond III - €60
    Diamond III>Diamond II - €70
    Diamond II>Diamond I - €80
    Diamond I>Master - €135
    Diamond V>Master - €400

    Master 0 LP>Master 100 LP - €160
    Master 100 LP>Master 200 LP - €225
    Master 200 LP>Master 300 LP - €250
    Master 300 LP>Master 400 LP - €290
    - For more specific boosting services feel free to ask.
< LoL Boosting thread | [EUW] Plat Booster - Boosting Bronze for cheap! >

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