Drew requesting a pardon for Offsite Ban / Evading

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Drew, Jul 31, 2018.

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Drew requesting a pardon for Offsite Ban / Evading
  1. Unread #1 - Jul 31, 2018 at 1:12 PM
  2. Drew
    Jan 2, 2014
    Sythe Gold:

    Drew Trade Bungalow - Safest Trading Discord!

    Drew requesting a pardon for Offsite Ban / Evading

    Your profile link: Drew
    Report/post/reason that got you banned: Offsite Scam / Ban Evading
    Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims: I paid the moderator 'chuckle' on PowerBot here and here.
    Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now: No
    Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you: I scammed the amounts of $55.50~ and $20 in 2013 on Powerbot. This was when I was 14 years old (19 now) and to put it blunt, I was just a stupid kid who thought that it was alright for me to take someone elses money or gold for my gain, because "it's the internet". During this time or shortly after I created an account on Sythe to attempt to sell my account but then shortly after banned. I moved on from the entire RuneScape scene for a little bit until 2014 when I eventually created this account on Sythe. Originally I just "put everything behind me" and "wanted to start fresh". Which obviously was not the correct thing to do, but I casually traded until a few months ago when I decided I really wanted to get involved and started becoming a lot more active in the community along with the trading scene. A few days ago I turned myself in on PowerBot for previously scamming and made a pardon which as of yesterday I was pardoned on their website. While turning myself in on PowerBot I planned on pardoning on Sythe after the issue was fully resolved on PowerBot but Wortel intercepted a PM that I sent to a moderator and made a report on me. I completely agree that I should have turned myself in a lot earlier and pardoned on both websites, but the second best time is to do it is now and I apologize for waiting so long. Over the 4 years or so after initially scamming on PowerBot I have received around 95 vouches on Sythe with the most recent bunch coming from me MMing for others on the website. I have matured over the last 5 years and I believe that I have been a positive impact on Sythe in the recent few months and I hope that you will forgive me for my actions even though I should have made this thread much much sooner.
    Did you fully read and follow this sticky thread in the pardon section?: Yes
    Previous pardon link(s) if applicable: N/A
    ^ zwei siegen likes this.
  3. Unread #2 - Aug 7, 2018 at 11:57 AM
  4. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Carrot Sythe's 15th Anniversary (2)
    Detective Two Factor Authentication User OG Club SytheSteamer WoW Classic Member of the Month Winner Photography Competition Winner I saw Matthew In Memory of Jon
    May the 4th Be With You Member of the Quarter Winner

    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

  5. Unread #3 - Aug 7, 2018 at 4:02 PM
  6. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Carrot Sythe's 15th Anniversary (2)
    Detective Two Factor Authentication User OG Club SytheSteamer WoW Classic Member of the Month Winner Photography Competition Winner I saw Matthew In Memory of Jon
    May the 4th Be With You Member of the Quarter Winner

    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

  7. Unread #4 - Aug 9, 2018 at 12:39 PM
  8. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Carrot Sythe's 15th Anniversary (2)
    Detective Two Factor Authentication User OG Club SytheSteamer WoW Classic Member of the Month Winner Photography Competition Winner I saw Matthew In Memory of Jon
    May the 4th Be With You Member of the Quarter Winner

    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

    Drew requesting a pardon for Offsite Ban / Evading

    User claims nothing was left out.

    Your pardon will now go into voting. This will take atleast a week, but might take a bit more in some cases.
    When your pardon is finished, your name will be shown in this thread as either accepted or denied.
    Until then, please remain patient, thank you.
    ^ Dragonite587 and Dunworry like this.
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