⭐[ChrisPhill Questing Service]⭐ [5$Donator][Hand done]⭐

Discussion in 'Oldschool 07 RuneScape Questing Services' started by ChrisPhill, Oct 27, 2017.

⭐[ChrisPhill Questing Service]⭐ [5$Donator][Hand done]⭐
  1. Unread #1 - Oct 27, 2017 at 10:11 AM
  2. ChrisPhill
    Oct 25, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    ChrisPhill Newcomer

    ⭐[ChrisPhill Questing Service]⭐ [5$Donator][Hand done]⭐

    [​IMG]ChrisPhills oldschool questing service[​IMG]

    i can do every quest, for prices check below!

    Contact me at skype: live:chrisgang123 or sent me a sythe pm!
    Black Knights' Fortress - 250K
    Cook's Assistant - 100k
    Demon Slayer - 400K
    Doric's Quest - 100K
    Dragon Slayer - 1500K
    Ernest the Chicken - 400K
    Goblin Diplomacy - 150K
    Imp Catcher - 100K
    The Knight's Sword - 300K
    Misthalin Mystery 300k
    Pirate's Treasure - 250K
    Prince Ali Rescue - 500K
    The Restless Ghost - 100k
    Romeo and Juliet - 300K
    Rune Mysteries - 250K
    Sheep Shearer - 100k
    Shield of Arrav - 500K
    Vampire Slayer - 250K
    Witch's Potion - 100K
    Animal Magnetism - 1500k
    Another Slice of H.A.M. - 1750k
    Back to my Roots - 2000k
    Between a Rock... - 1750k
    Big Chompy Bird Hunting - 600k
    Biohazard - 600K
    Cabin Fever - 1500k
    Clock Tower - 500K
    Cold War - 1200k
    Contact! - 2200k
    Creature of Fenkenstrain - 1400k
    Darkness of Hallowvale - 3250k
    Death Plateau - 600k
    Death to the Dorgeshuun - 1600k
    Desert Treasure:
    43+ pray 60+ range - 4000k
    43+ pray 30+ range - 6000k
    -43 pray 60+ range - 10000k
    Devious Minds - 2400k
    The Digsite - 1250k
    Dream Mentor - 3000k
    Druidic Ritual - 100k
    Dwarf Cannon - 500K
    Eadgar's Ruse - 1250K
    Eagles' Peak - 750K
    Elemental Workshop I - 500k
    Elemental Workshop II - 750k
    Enakhra's Lament - 1800k
    Enlightened Journey - 1400k
    The eyes of glouphrie - 1200k
    Fairytale IGrowing Pains - 1000k
    Fairytale II Cure a Queen - 1600k
    Family Crest - 1500k
    The Feud - 2000k
    Fight Arena - 250k
    Fishing Contest - 150k
    Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf - 1250k
    The Fremennik Isles - 1800k
    The Fremennik Trials - 1500k
    Garden of Tranquillity - 2500k
    Gertrude's Cat - 500K
    Ghosts Ahoy - 1750k
    The Giant Dwarf - 750K
    The Golem - 750K
    The Grand Tree - 800K
    Grim Tales - 1250k
    The Haunted Mine - 2800k
    Hazeel Cult - 500K
    Heroes' Quest - 2500k
    Holy Grail - 700K
    Horror From The Deep - 1750k If barcrawl done 1250k
    Icthlarin's Little Helper - 1800k
    In Aid of the Myreque - 1500k
    In Search of the Myreque - 1600k
    Jungle Potion - 350k
    King's Ransom - 2500k + 1000k for knight waves
    Legends' Quest - 3250k
    Lost City - 250K
    Lost Tribe - 500K
    Lunar Diplomacy - 3500k
    Making History - 500K
    Merlin's Crystal - 750K
    Monk's Friend - 100K
    Monkey Madness
    43+ pray 60+ range/mage - 2500k
    43+ pray 30+ range/mage - 5000k
    -43 pray 60+ range/mage - 10000k
    Monkey Madness II 7-20m depending on stats.
    Mountain Daughter - 1000k
    Mourning's Ends Part I - 3800k
    Mourning's Ends Part II - 3500k
    Murder Mystery - 800K
    My Arm's Big Adventure - 1500k
    Nature Spirit - 500K
    Observatory Quest - 900K
    Olaf's Quest - 1600k
    One Small Favour - 3500k
    Plague City - 350k
    Priest in Peril - 500K
    Rat Catchers - 2000k
    Recipe For Disaster
    Intro: Helping the Cook - 100K
    Freeing the Mountain Dwarf - 500K
    Freeing the Goblins - 500K
    Freeing Pirate Pete - 500K
    Freeing the Lumbridge Guide - 500K
    Freeing Evil Dave - 1500k (3000k if still kitten)
    Freeing Skrach Uglogwee - 750k
    Freeing Sir Amik Varze - 1250k
    Freeing King Awowogei - 2000k
    The Final Fights - 1500k
    Recruitment Drive - 1000k
    Regicide - 2750k
    Roving Elves - 900K
    Royal Trouble - 1250k
    Rum Deal - 800K
    Scorpion Catcher - 500K
    Sea Slug - 400K
    Shades Of Mort'ton - 1000K
    Shadow of the Storm - 700K
    Sheep Herder - 800K
    Shilo Village - 800K
    Slug Menace - 1250k
    A Soul's Bane - 1800k
    Spirits of the Elid - 1500k
    Swan Song - 1250k
    Tai Bwo Wannai Trio - 2500k - 4000k if not 25+ hp
    A Tail of Two Cats - 1600k
    Tears of Guthix - 500K
    Temple of Ikov - 700K
    The Great Brain Robbery - 1400k
    The Hand in the Sand - 800K
    The Tourist Trap - 800K
    The Underground Pass 3000k if above 60 agil if not 5000k
    Throne of Miscellania - 1500k
    Tower of Life - 500K
    Tree Gnome Village - 500K
    Tribal Totem - 750K
    Troll Romance - 750K
    Troll Stronghold - 750K
    Wanted! - 1750k
    Watchtower - 1500k
    Waterfall Quest - 750K
    What Lies Below - 900K
    Witch's House - 400K
    Zogre Flesh Eaters 900K

    [Terms Of Service]
    1. You cant login when service has started.
    2.Refunds are only given if i havent started the order yet
    3. I am not responsible for any bans/mutes.

    4.You have to change password after service
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2017
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