Darkest Dream requesting a pardon for debts owed #4

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Darkest Dream, Mar 16, 2020.

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Darkest Dream requesting a pardon for debts owed #4
  1. Unread #1 - Mar 16, 2020 at 10:50 AM
  2. Darkest Dream
    Jun 26, 2013
    Sythe Gold:
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    Darkest Dream I prefer to have my nightmares with open eyes.
    Darkest Dream Donor

    Darkest Dream requesting a pardon for debts owed #4

    Your profile link: Darkest Dream

    All of your Sythe Accounts: Only the one listed above

    Report/post/reason that got you banned: Paid Darkest Dreams Debt, he hasn't responded to me in months about paying me back

    Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims: Repayment was made Feb 6 2019. Proof on previous pardons.

    Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now: NA

    Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you:

    Had a debt of $130 to Strawsombrero. We were good friends at the time and co-workers on a livechat site. Unfortunately at the time that was my only source of income so was struggling to come up with the money. I did have access to billions of GP so scamming or ripping anyone off wasn't my intention, I just got myself into a bad situation there.

    Additionally MooTrucks lost access to an OSRS account that I sold him somewhere around that timeframe and was requesting a $260 refund. I didn't recover the account, after moving states I didn't have an original IP to recover with and previous membership was bonds so couldn't supply payment info to Jagex.

    Both of these meant a debt that I wasn't able to repay at the time. I eventually did find a job and as soon as possible I reached out to both and made sure full refunds were made. Straw was covered through community repayment fund which I paid into, and MooTrucks was paid back directly I believe.

    My previous pardon attempts have been unsuccessful. I know the staff definitely have reservations here. No one wants to vote yes and then see someone else in the community get harmed because of it. The only thing I can say now is that this all happened several years ago. I was definitely a lot more immature at the time, and in a completely different place in my life than I was then. If I'm allowed to have this DNT removed my trading practices will be completely clean, and I'll be extremely proactive about making sure nothing similar happens. I'm here primarily for the community, but having full access to the site is also important for me.

    Please give me a chance here. You'll see that if I do decide to make a trade, everything will be done safely and professionally.

    ^ strawsombrero likes this.
  3. Unread #2 - Mar 16, 2020 at 6:28 PM
  4. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
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    Darkest Dream requesting a pardon for debts owed #4

    Hello @Darkest Dream,

    Users: Darkest Dream
    + Others but we won't count them as they are due to a hacking.

    Paid Darkest Dreams Debt, he hasn't responded to me in months about paying me back (Repaid)
    Private report by Mootrucks (Repaid)

    Previous pardons:
    Darkest Dream requesting a pardon for money owed
    Darkest Dream requesting a pardon #2 for Debts Owed
    Darkest Dream requesting a pardon for debts owed #3

    As there are no debts and no signs of evasion this can now move into voting. Results can take up to two weeks and when a verdict is reached, your name will be shown in this thread.

    Until then, please remain patient, thank you.
< Says I have same IP as someone in database, not sure how | blahberry's requesting pardon for unjust dnt and warning >

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