Cooking]Money making f2p

Discussion in 'RuneScape Miscellaneous' started by zac741, Jan 21, 2010.

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Cooking]Money making f2p
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 21, 2010 at 1:59 AM
  2. zac741
    Jan 20, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    zac741 Forum Addict

    Cooking]Money making f2p

    This page is about making money with the cooking skill.
    With all these methods, be careful when clicking in your inventory as you could accidentally eat your profits!

    Effectiveness Cooking level Requirement Details Other Requirements
    *****10,000 coins/Hour Level 1 In an area where players are killing cows, pick up raw beef left on the ground and cook it on a range. Raw beef is rarely taken from the drops due to the fact that cowhides and bones are more effective for making money. Cooked meat, in addition to giving Cooking experience, sells for 56 coins each.
    *****32,000 to 49,000 Level 1 Buy raw anchovies on the Grand Exchange for 91 coins, cook them, and sell them for 127 coins. This nets you a profit of about 36 coins per anchovy. Cook them on one of the fires that are nearly always lit near the Grand Exchange on busy worlds.Note however, that it may take some time to purchase the raw anchovies from the Grand Exchange.
    ***** Level 4 and up Another money-making method is making chocolate dust. Chocolate dust is made from a chocolate bar and a knife. You use the knife on the chocolate bar and it makes chocolate dust. Using this method, you make 23 coins profit per chocolate bar. This is not the best money making method, but it only takes four game ticks (2.4 seconds) to make 1 chocolate dust.
    ***** Level 45 You can make some money and experience by cooking pizzas. Purchase flour, tomatoes, Jug of water and cheese off the Grand Exchange for 405 coins. Alternately, acquire them on your own using a method outlined above.
    Even if you burn a few, you can still turn a profit from cooking pizzas. Ordinary pizzas sell for 1,606 each, though adding cooked meat decreases this to 1,524 coins profit from a meat pizza, which is why it's not recommended to upgrade to meat pizzas. Anchovy pizza sells for 1,907, slightly higher than a plain pizza, making it a much better money-maker than upgrading meat pizzas, but still earns less money than just topping pizzas normally with cheese and tomatoes.

    ***** Level 55 and up Another money-making method that involves pizza is upgrading previously cooked pizzas. At the Grand Exchange, buy plain pizza and anchovies, combine them, and sell the anchovy pizzas back for a profit of 174 coins. This may not seem like much, but considering how little time it takes to add anchovies to one pizza (you can do 14 pizzas in about 30 seconds), you can easily make 290,000 coins per hour. You also get 39 Cooking experience for each pizza you upgrade in this fashion, for about 65,520 experience per hour. However, it is very difficult to buy the raw ingredients.
    Lately, however, this method has not been as useful due to the Personalised Shops update, making plain pizzas almost worth more than anchovy pizzas! Therefore, it is recommended to just top pizzas normally and cook them.
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