Jagex Warning - All you need to know

Discussion in 'RuneScape 3 Cheating' started by dont leech, Oct 26, 2011.

Jagex Warning - All you need to know
  1. Unread #1 - Oct 26, 2011 at 8:20 PM
  2. dont leech
    Aug 12, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    dont leech Active Member

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    Original post by Kyle at rscheata
  3. Unread #2 - Oct 26, 2011 at 10:10 PM
  4. Droppin' Pl8's
    May 2, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Droppin' Pl8's Forum Addict

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    lol he is trying to cover his ass. Paypal wouldn't be able to do that legally He simply opted out and gave them the info. I've fought with jagex several times and they had tried to do the same thing to reinet back in the day but paypal pretty much said fuck off and then sent a letter to reines about it.

    So he can go ahead and lie all he wants it won't make a difference to me.
  5. Unread #3 - Oct 26, 2011 at 10:14 PM
  6. Egu
    Jun 18, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Egu Guru

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    There is an official post about this on the RuneScape forums. Botters, be aware!
  7. Unread #4 - Oct 26, 2011 at 10:35 PM
  8. Savvir
    Jan 30, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Savvir Active Member

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    If this really is a scare tactic... Well it got me for Christ sakes...
  9. Unread #5 - Oct 26, 2011 at 10:37 PM
  10. MrInfinity
    Jan 13, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    MrInfinity Active Member

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    The could have been subpoenaed.

    Proof please for your legal battles.

    I've talked to kids from out of the states, and yes they've received the email. Some has even claimed they'd counter sue because it's illegal in their countries to send idle threats, and because DMCA doesn't apply in their country it would be considered an idle threat.
  11. Unread #6 - Oct 26, 2011 at 11:42 PM
  12. Droppin' Pl8's
    May 2, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Droppin' Pl8's Forum Addict

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    Proof it was subpoenaed? There is none

    As for my proof if you didn't notice reinet hasn't even been around for many years now and it was reines not I who had the court battles But as staff we were all aware of everything that took place.

    On top of this I am one of the workers at the compassion center in Clio Michigan which has 3 of the biggest names that are fighting for legal marijuana in Michigan so I've learned a lot about the laws of possession of items etc. and they simply can not do what they're trying to say paypal did.

    Furthermore if you want me to make you look even more ignorant read the tos of paypal then come back and try to hold this same debate. I would guess you have never even used paypal or you're one of these 12 year olds who make fake paypals and I would go further to presume if you are that you never read the tos of paypal and will probably think you got ripped off one day and wonder why.
  13. Unread #7 - Oct 26, 2011 at 11:47 PM
  14. MrInfinity
    Jan 13, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    MrInfinity Active Member

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    I'm sorry pretty sure I means yourself.

    I was asking you for proof of your battles, not proof of the subpoenas.

    You go from saying the sold us out to it was subpoenaed, please make up your mind because selling out and being forced to by law are two different things.

    Taken from Paypals TOS and pretty sure that's exactly what I said.
  15. Unread #8 - Oct 27, 2011 at 12:02 AM
  16. Droppin' Pl8's
    May 2, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Droppin' Pl8's Forum Addict

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    Ok I'm sorry that my words were too much for you to understand it was obvious that I was not the one under the lawsuit as it was not my site\bot etc. I just helped in a small part of the developement. But if you weren't around at that time we obviously won it and continued with the bot then reines quit to persue his studies and is now doing very well for himself. and warthog took over and then sometime after it became wartnet.

    As I already said I personally have not went to court for it but as I also said I have a great deal of knowledge about it.

    man really... you're going to say something that stupid. I said there was no subpoena, learn to read.

    Also if they were going to subpoena anything they would have held a court case for all the big companies to save time and make it a bigger threat. But as you see rsbuddies paid bots and their donators are all still fine for those who have only used rsbuddy.

    As I said where is anything court related that includes jagex\paypal as I said before their is none.
    Face it your beloved little bot maker sold you out deal with it. If it really did happen said bot maker could easily post the document saying it was court ordered but they didn't because it didn't happen.

    GIVE UP.
  17. Unread #9 - Oct 27, 2011 at 12:04 AM
  18. Frank0929
    Jun 8, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Frank0929 Guru

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    A law student over at rsbuddy basically confirmed all this. Jagex stands on no grounds on obtaining information from Paypal.
  19. Unread #10 - Oct 27, 2011 at 12:17 AM
  20. MrInfinity
    Jan 13, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    MrInfinity Active Member

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    Something that stupid? Look at your post, it seems you're saying there's no proof not a subpoena, again you said "I've" implying you personally, you didn't mention any company in the first post. I'm going to refer you to learn some English.

    Your wording is confusing because it's improper. "I've" doesn't mean a company you helped developed, there was no mention of a company just you having battles with Jagex. Anyone reading the first statement would have read it the same way I did.

    Again I asked about proof, and you said, "proof it was subpoenaed?" "There is none." there was no change of subject, you'd still be referring to the proof not a subpoena.
  21. Unread #11 - Oct 27, 2011 at 12:24 AM
  22. MdM
    Mar 1, 2009
    Sythe Gold:

    MdM Forum Addict

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    I don't see how this is fake if I got the message in my runescape message center.
  23. Unread #12 - Oct 27, 2011 at 1:45 AM
  24. Droppin' Pl8's
    May 2, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Droppin' Pl8's Forum Addict

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    I see you love to take things out of context that is cute. I already stated in my second post I was with reinet which was a forum that produced a bot and sold it it was far from a company

    "you're saying there's no proof not a subpoena"
    What the hell are you even trying to say? I would practice what you preach about the whole English thing my friend. I simply said there is not proof of a subpoena ever being placed for the info that nexus claims was paypal's doing

    You asked for proof and I told you reinet isn't even around anymore there would be no reason for myself to keep any physical information [ if I even had any physical information] but then again I guess I should have thought that like 6+ years later a child would argue with me because he can't handle the fact that he is wrong.

    You're going to probably reply saying something about cosrob [or what ever his name is] said it was paypal I'd assume he doesn't know the full story so let me enlighten you a little further to the reasons why it wasn't paypal I give you the pm I sent to cos himself.

    "It couldn't have been paypal. for multiple reasons that I will point out.

    As I said before in the ToS of paypal they have a user confidentiality agreement clause which can not be broken unless by a federal government. Which on a side note is why anon went after them in the first place because they believe leaking info like that even to governments is wrong.

    Second I'll point out that jagex lawyers would have been intelligent enough to round up all the big bot sites and have 1 case as would jagex themselves because it would scare more botters and be a bigger blow to the botting community plus save them literally 1000's of dollars.

    Third. Even if it was paypal they would have had to contact nexus within 24 hours [if they live in the us anyways I'm not sure where nexus is based out of] or else there would easily be a counter claim.

    Fourth: Jagex got every email address linked to nexus as well as all of the accounts saved on the bots account management. Which obviously paypal does not have."

    I also just thought of this, if this was all real, nexus would have known about it still before jagex did anything and would\could have easily warned everyone before hand why after everyone suspecting them do they finally tell everyone? because they were caught plain and simple.
  25. Unread #13 - Oct 27, 2011 at 2:51 AM
  26. Zerkerfist
    Jul 15, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Zerkerfist ..My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder..
    $5 USD Donor New

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    This whole thing is complete bullshit, and even laughable! This is such an obvious scare tactic.. The question I am more concerned with, is how did Jagex obtain these e-mails in the first place? PayPal seems very unlikely to be legally allowed to just hand out e-mails to prove who bought what. That infringes upon a person's rights.

    And anybody who wants to laugh at me and say "This is real dude! Jagex is going to sue!". Well lets wait and see in the upcoming months what happens. I am 100% willing to bet that ANY AND ALL lawsuits that Jagex files will be against the MAJOR bot corporations and goldfarming companies, NOT against single, casual botters who purchased "Ibot" software from Nexus and botted a few times per week.

    Also - I have hardly ever botted myself so I am not just some ignorant botter trying to stick up for the fact that I bot. I also did not recieve this email myself. I have had accounts on RS since 2000 and have spent probably wasted thousands of hours of my life playing Runescape legitimately, without the use of macro software. This is my OWN opinion, based on the fact that filing lawsuits against tens of thousands of 12 year old casual botters across the WORLD, is just complete and utter horseshit. The legal costs of lawyers and court time would FAR exceed any petty pocket change that they could hope to get from winning a case against you (ie. a few hundred bucks).

    So everybody, relax. Jagex's ploy to scare the shit out of you is obviously working very well.
  27. Unread #14 - Oct 27, 2011 at 3:01 AM
  28. ABCisDANK
    Sep 9, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    ABCisDANK Member

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    I'd be stoked to go to court against Jagex. Too bad I haven't gotten the email.

    I'd send a reply such as: "Fuck you" or something along those lines.
  29. Unread #15 - Oct 27, 2011 at 3:03 AM
  30. MrInfinity
    Jan 13, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    MrInfinity Active Member

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    I took nothing out of context, I was discussing the first post, you started having issues with my confusion because of it, I was explaining it. I completely understand that you no longer meant yourself but in your first post you address it as yourself, not the company.

    "it seems you're saying there's no proof not a subpoena" Who's taking what out of context? That seems clear to me.

    Again I believe I've verified the fact I understand Paypal wouldn't/couldn't give out the information without a subpoena, that was mentioned in my first post. May I also point out my first post was the only one where I insinuated the possibility it could be Paypal if they got subpoenaed.
  31. Unread #16 - Oct 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM
  32. aus aaz
    Aug 27, 2010
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Username:
    ref #8161

    aus aaz Grand Master
    $50 USD Donor New

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    The internet... its serious business
  33. Unread #17 - Oct 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM
  34. Lured Yah
    Mar 10, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Sythe RSPS Player Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? Le Monkey <3 n4n0 Homosex Potamus

    Lured Yah Get Fire Capes and swap GP at www.Sparta.rs
    Lured Yah Donor

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    I didn't get the mail, could some post a screenshot or quote it here?
  35. Unread #18 - Oct 27, 2011 at 3:32 AM
  36. MrInfinity
    Jan 13, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    MrInfinity Active Member

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    Pretty sure it was quoted in the "official" nuke day thread but here you go.

    Dear Player,

    We have strong evidence that you may have purchased and used botting software in the past, specifically ibot software.

    Botting and the cheating it brings is destroying your game, violates Jagex's rights under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and any player that continues to engage in botting activity has no place in our community.

    As part of bot nuke week we are offering you a 1 time amnesty and settlement lifeline, which is a chance to reform and change your ways. We'd like you to contribute to the community in a positive way, to compete on a level playing field as everyone else does and play in the true spirit of the game, with integrity. All of your accounts, main and otherwise, are now on our watch list and will be monitored for the use of ibot and all other inappropriate third-party software. Regardless of who you are or how long you've been with us, if you decide to cheat and bot ever again we will have no hesitation in: (1) permanently removing your account from our wonderful community in order to protect Jagex's rights under the DMCA, and (2) naming you as a defendant in Jagex Limited v. John Does, which is a lawsuit based on DMCA violations that is currently pending in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California (Civ. Action No. SACV11-00969-CJC).

    Please note that this amnesty and settlement offer is protected under Fed. R. Evid. 408. If you ignore our offer and instead continue use botting software, we reserve our rights to pursue statutory damages against you for between $200 to $2,500 per act of past, present, and/or future botting in accordance with 17 U.S.C. 1203(c)(3).

    We do hope you make the morally sound and lawful choice of turning your back on bots. We look forward to seeing you in game having fun in a way that is true to the spirit of fair play and respectful to your fellow players.

    Yours sincerely,
    Mark Gerhard
  37. Unread #19 - Oct 27, 2011 at 3:33 AM
  38. MrInfinity
    Jan 13, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    MrInfinity Active Member

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    Damn right were else am I going to get my lol's my IRL friends aren't this funny.
  39. Unread #20 - Oct 27, 2011 at 5:59 AM
  40. Droppin' Pl8's
    May 2, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Droppin' Pl8's Forum Addict

    Jagex Warning - All you need to know

    We were on the same level until my second statement and your third.

    You took my "where is the proof of a subpoena? there is none and tried to mash it into a cluster fuck to where I agree with you or something lol if you didn't notice there is a little thing called a question mark which means I asked you a question but before you wasted your time searching I already answered it for you.

    Please feel free to read my thread I created about this topic to go over any information you feel I am wrong about. I have a law student with a more educated response saying the same thing I am now.

    Also if you did think it couldn't\wouldn't happen then why keep arguing about the subject?
< "Bot Nuke Day" - 10/25/11 - Refer to this thread for ALL discussion on this topic | USFine.com >

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