96 Main account gold farmer (by Hunter)

Discussion in 'OSRS Main Accounts: Level 80+' started by AmigoPiedra, Mar 3, 2018.

96 Main account gold farmer (by Hunter)
  1. Unread #1 - Mar 3, 2018 at 7:58 PM
  2. AmigoPiedra
    Mar 3, 2018
    Sythe Gold:

    AmigoPiedra Newcomer

    96 Main account gold farmer (by Hunter)

    Hi everyone

    I'm Jaime from Chile and I want to sell my main account cause College is coming and I need some money.

    This account can help you a lot if you want to make some cash, cause it is 83 in hunter and have some nice stuff to do Slayer (73 lvl) like the Herb Sack and the Gem Sack.

    I was working but I could not complete all of the quest for the Recipe for disaster. The account needs Desert Treasure, Shield of Arrav and Heroes Quest to complete the Recipe for disaster without problems.

    Untradeable items: Dragon Defender, Law Book, Herb Sack, Gem Sack, Coal Bag, Angler Waders, Morytania Legs 1, Slayer Helm, Prospector Helmet, Arcligth, Dark Totem completed (Totem base and 6 Acient Shards, also), Graceful hood (31 Mark of grace, also), Varrock armour 1.

    Have membership until March 14. Find it by Amigo Piedra to see the stats (don't know how to share screen shots)

    We can find a price together.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
< Closed due to trade with caution rank. | Beastly Maxed Main | Twisted Bow Placeholder | ❤Free membership! [♛Vouched donator] >

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