Banned =\ Crispy

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by CrispyAppealingUnbanAcc, Aug 5, 2010.

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Banned =\ Crispy
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 5, 2010 at 12:35 PM
  2. CrispyAppealingUnbanAcc
    Aug 5, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    CrispyAppealingUnbanAcc Newcomer

    Banned =\ Crispy

    State your Sythe name: Crispy
    State why you were Ban Evading
    State why Ban Evading was unwarranted: I was Banned for ban evading on "CarsonDoctor", when I went to report a scammer aarchive I noticed that Tmoe had posted a thread called "Vader(s) when I looked in it I saw I was in it for posting a thread , Reliable Pin was also on the vaders so when he got banned I got banned because earlier on he was my customer on my GFX shop and he wouldn't fill out the the form so I got on msn and he filled out the form with all of his information including his email and I simply posted it on my thread so I can start it later.
    State the moderator who banned you (if known): Alteranz
    Additional information goes here and in subsequent bullet points: If needed I can show the paypal transaction that reliable pin sent me for the gfx. I can also get reliable pin to get on msn and explain this too.

    My email is [email protected] if you would like to discuss this farther.

    So quick story short, I had a customer named "ReliablePin" he was ban evading already, he didn't fill out the form so I made him fill it out on MSN and I posted it on my thread for him and if you look at page 1 of my thread you can see my form makes you put your MSN thats why his msn is on there because he filled it out and I posted it for him.
  3. Unread #2 - Aug 5, 2010 at 3:13 PM
  4. Skele
    Nov 4, 2007
    Sythe Gold:
    Tier 1 Prizebox

    Skele Heartbreak Kid
    $100 USD Donor Crabby Retired Global Moderator

    Banned =\ Crispy

< Plz read. | Banned without proper reasoning? >

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