
Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Hamouze, May 6, 2020.

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  1. Unread #1 - May 6, 2020 at 7:58 PM
  2. Hamouze
    Feb 24, 2012
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon Poképedia Gohan has AIDS Pokémon Trainer

    Hamouze Grand Master
    $50 USD Donor New


    Scammer's profile: Alexandre

    Discord ID proof: Screenshot - cc143024069d7c356af29fcf0cbbfb92 - Gyazo

    Explanation of the trade: I had Alexandre MM name sale for me so he could make some money and I have not been in the RS market for years. He said he would list my name for 500m and make money off the transfer fee, which I was fine with because after I told him to list it for 1b he said it is not worth that much and he could not get 1b. Found out later that the buyer paid 1.1b and Alex lied to me pretending he sold it for 500m, so he kept 600m.

    Amount scammed: 380m, as I am owed 880m from a 1.1b trade, but only received 500m

    I will be telling the story exactly as it went through our discord chat:

    Here's me asking him for advice on sellers so I could approach them with the name. I told him it was PC'd at 1.3b and that's what I'm expecting:
    Screenshot - 0e64e79cc753a4647a05251ba5822278 - Gyazo

    Here he is saying the PC is bullshit, the name is not worth that much, and the person that PC'd it is a "snake" (lol how ironic):
    Screenshot - 3ee08a10e84a0f2ee699c228082390e1 - Gyazo

    He asks me what the LOWEST i would take is, and i was pretty desperate for money at the time so I said 500m is the absolute lowest:
    Screenshot - 6543b876d94f5625ca2b00ef198209fe - Gyazo

    I was hoping he'd buy it for that much then, he could resell it, flip it make a profit whatever i dont care, but he kept telling me that he doesnt want to buy it he will just be doing the transfer

    he said he found a buyer for 500m, i ask him if he's charging him more than 500m to cover the transfer fee or if i would have to be paying the transfer. he responds and says yes he is JUST CHARGING THE BUYER THE XFER:
    Screenshot - a065e233b17c5e9bbc6eb439f0fe523a - Gyazo

    well that trade falls through, it doesnt work out.

    here he tells me that he will list my name for me, seeing as a couple days had passed i told him i no longer wanted to sell it for 500m, i knew it was a 1b+ name so i told him to list it at 1b. you can see clearly here he says that 1b+ would be impossible and that HE SET THE PRICE AT 500M:
    Screenshot - 59b16d8139e002ab4c3c7fc2115a2fcb - Gyazo

    im thinking to myself whatever this guy knows what he's doing he's supposedly a trusted enough seller to be one of two people that are allowed to do name transfers, so i take his word that the name is worth 500m.

    he approaches me another day and says he found a buyer. he never mentions selling price he just says he's negotiating and wont let the price drop below 500m:
    Screenshot - 601662e17c39a4961019c5e2f4190f28 - Gyazo

    i reminded him that it was worth 1.3b, and again he's telling me that's bullshit and the pc doesn't mean anything:
    Screenshot - 1d1ec0def4ed01c539d8f4e1db684366 - Gyazo

    well today he tells me he found a buyer as soon as i woke up and is rushing me along to sell this thing. i didnt think twice about it i thought hey with 2 other failed trades maybe this name really isnt worth much:
    Screenshot - d446e841ecb3a76034bb5680424e34d3 - Gyazo

    now yes i realize this could have all been avoided had i asked him right there what the "payment" was. but multiple times throughout our convos he told me it's not a 1b+ name, someone would only buy it for 500m max. now that i think about it, he probably fabricated those "buyers" before that didnt buy it for 500m so that i would be quick to jump when he found a real buyer. i trusted this guy to be honest with me about the selling price and he was not. he lied to me, gave me my 500m and took his "20% transfer fee"

    here are the sythe PMs to me saying that he owes me 500m. he isn't selling a name for me, you can't sell something you don't own. he found a buyer by listing my name on his page and MM'd the trade:
    Screenshot - 9a296f0fb4775bbbdc12dc3b02fe087f - Gyazo

    here are the sythe PMs to the buyer saying that he's buying the name for 1.1b, meaning he took a 55% mm fee, not a 20% fee like he stated:

    edit: in this screenshot i didn't realize he says that he is the one selling the name, which means he owns the name and is directly selling it to the buyer. THAT IS AGAINST THE RULES

    For a 1.1b sale, if he took 20% I would be due 880m. He still owes me 380m that he is not giving up.

    Here are my conversations confronting him. He is claiming that I agreed to a 500m trade. That is simply untrue. The foundation of this whole scam report is that I told him to list it for 1b, he said no it is not worth that much and that he will list it for 500m and charge the buyer the xfer fee so he could make money. Instead he told me he found a buyer, gave me the 500m (under the assumption that what he told me earlier was truthful and he was listing it for 500m and make a profit from the xfer), and that was that. Only afterwards I found out he really sold my name for 1.1b. Now he is claiming there is an unspoken rule that he deserves a profit for listing it and that i should "ask around". Lol doesn't sound very official:

    Screenshot - 861b6067c13c6b897a263177393df24d - Gyazo

    Screenshot - 9262ee336a01ffc35146f4f33dfa04eb - Gyazo

    Screenshot - 9700095ce4bf1372118adeaa9473566d - Gyazo

    Screenshot - bf5e2003da4e3475cd320808652e83a8 - Gyazo

    Screenshot - 19d203723a7501c4821e10b02c3d663e - Gyazo

    Screenshot - 2a514acdb26635677a2edd81dcc08172 - Gyazo

    Screenshot - de925f044a5e1a8851a1ea10ec91155c - Gyazo

    TL;DR: I offered this name to Alex once upon a time for 500m. He rejected the offer. He said that's too high, not worth it, blablabla. He said instead he'll find me a buyer and just MM the trade so he can make a profit from the xfer fee. After I agree to that, I told him to list it for 1b (my 500m offer was for him to purchase). He tells me NO that is impossible that he cannot get 1b and that he will list it for 500m + xfer fee. Welp come to find out he sold the name for 1.1b, kept 600m and gave me 500m. Note, HE NEVER PURCHASED THIS NAME FROM ME, HE WAS ONLY MM'ING A SALE. I would not care if he made a profit flipping my name, but I never sold him the name, just let him MM a trade.

    You can read through all of our discord chats. Him continuously saying my name is worthless, other people are lying to me, this market is full of snakes, and yet he lied to me about what he was selling MY NAME for and ran off with a 600m MM fee lmao. This was incredibly shady and I was completely taken advantage of. I do not know how this guy is one of two official name middle men.

    Please don't let this come down to semantics. It is very obvious that he took advantage of me and scammed me out of a couple hundred mil.

    edit: updated screenshots to block out rsn
    ^ owned, Alibabas Gold, Amei and 13 others like this.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2020
  3. Unread #2 - May 6, 2020 at 8:27 PM
  4. Pikachu
    Jan 27, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Verified Ironman I saw Matthew Member of the Month Winner Detective Toast Wallet User
    Sythe's 15th Anniversary March Madness May the 4th Be With You Nitro Booster (2) Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner

    Pikachu - RuneScape Gambling
    Global Moderator Bond Holder Cool Cat Steve


    ^ MachineGunMike, Devil, Vul and 3 others like this.
  5. Unread #3 - May 6, 2020 at 8:54 PM
  6. Alex
    Nov 19, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Le Christmas 2018 Sythe's 15th Anniversary Two Factor Authentication User Halloween 2021 Hoover Easter 2020 Summer 2020 Easter 2021
    St. Patrick's Day 2020 Christmas 2021 Halloween 2020 Christmas 2020 Summer 2019 <3 n4n0 Homosex Gohan has AIDS Heidy Easter 2018
    Christmas 2019 Potamus Easter 2019 Valentine's Day 2020

    Alex "Play by the rules, but be ferocious."


    I love your usage of the word *Scammer* in this situation. I'm extremely busy irl at the moment so I'm not planning to go back and forth with you onto what happenned on this report. I'll post once then will let mods/admins decide.

    You told me you reached out to another seller in the past saying they offered you 500m for the name and then ghosted you. I asked them and they said something different but I'm getting out of context here, since day 1 you wanted 500m right?

    Yes I did tell you I was not interested to buy it at 500m, because that's just how it is in the name market, profits are huge because US sellers needs to transfer the name TWICE before getting our money back + profits. We don't consider our transfer fees (20%) a profit, because if the name gets sniped, we are taking FULL snipe responsibility, I've lost 12b worth of names so far. These 20% fees are only to cover our snipe losts, that's not our actual profits. We do charge 20% when doing a Middleman between a buyer and a seller, in this deal we had though, I was not middlemanning between you and your buyer, I was the one reaching out to 5000+ of my discord members to actually try and get you that sale so obviously I'm not going to ONLY charge 20% ? You 100% knew I was charging 20% + My profit (See picture below).

    This exact person who bought your name from me wanted another name of mine and had agreed to buy it for 800m after negotiations. So I did lose that 800m sale for your name since he changed his mind and bought yours instead. Why would I list names for people for free?
    Just so you know I'm not bullshitting about losing that 800m sale:

    (He then changed his mind and decided to buy yours instead because it had a personal meaning to him)

    I do understand how you feel but we both agreed on this deal:

    I was gonna list your name onto my list (Which I NEVER do for anyone beside @ACHILLES and @Ronin which are both my mods in my discord) UNTIL I COULD FIND YOU A BUYER AND GET YOU 500m. Tell me if I'm wrong?

    You asked me to list it for you at 1b, I denied because I know asking 1b + Xfer fee(200m) + my profit would be impossible to find a buyer. Then you said you wanted 500m which I accepted. You asked me if I was gonna list it for higher and include the transfer fee and I said yes I was.


    I NEVER SAID I WAS GONNA SELL IT FOR 500M + TRANSFER FEE, I 100% told you it was gonna be 500m + Transfer fee + My profit seen below:


    Our sythe PM confirmation CLEARLY stating what our deal was, once again, you knew I had a buyer for it and you were getting 500m out of it.


    You asked me how much I listed it for, I answered I set it for sale to get you a buyer for 500m asap, what happenned? I got you a buyer within 10 days. Not a single time I ever lied to you, I never said I listed it at 500m + 20%, I stated I had to include extra 20% for the transfer and THEN MY PROFIT which I didn't have to mention how much that profit was to you.

    I didn't scam/lie to you, I didn't want it at 500m because I can get much better deals with 500m. You fully agreed to let me find a buyer and sell it for you so you would get 500m. That was our deal, I think it's extremely sad the fact that you found out what my profit was and try to take this opportunity to steal it from me. Name sellers list for other people all the time, customers tell us how much they want to obtain and we do the rest. That's part of the business. I never lied to you and I never scammed you.

    Deal(Sythe PM Confirmation above) was: I find you a buyer so you obtain 500m and I take full snipe responsibility. I found you a buyer, did the transfer, took full responsibility and got you that sale.

    I'll let mods/admins decide and will follow their decision but our deal was completed and you 100% knew I was charging the 20% transfer fee + MY PROFIT seen in the picture above.

    Quick edit: Please be careful next time, you leaked the rsn a couple times in the report man.
    Last edited: May 6, 2020
  7. Unread #4 - May 6, 2020 at 9:20 PM
  8. Hamouze
    Feb 24, 2012
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon Poképedia Gohan has AIDS Pokémon Trainer

    Hamouze Grand Master
    $50 USD Donor New


    Nothing in his response changes anything in my original report. The only time I ASKED for 500m was when I initially offered him the name on 4/24. After he denied it and said he would list the name, on 4/27 I told him to list it for 1b. He said that the name would be impossible to sell for 1b (funny since he sold it for 1.1b) and that he would list it for 500m.

    This is an admittance to lying about the sale price. Also "you said you wanted 500m which I accepted" is just a downright lie. YOU told me that 1b was too much and that you could only list it for 500m.

    Also mods please note that he is messing with the timelines of the messages. He is trying to quote and use the message from 4/24 to say that I offered it to him for 500m and he accepted. That never happened. The agreement to list it happened on 4/27. He is literally lying in this scam report.

    The proof is in the pudding, I don't feel like there's much else to say. He said multiple times that the name will not sell for more than 1b, it's not worth more than 1b, etc.. The only time he ever mentioned a "profit" is in that screenshot that I provided asking him if the buyer will be covering the transfer so he could make money, and he said yes he will just be adding a transfer on top of the 500m.

    His "profit" as a MM is the transfer fee. He does not own my name; he is not flipping a name that he sells to make a profit. The only thing he did was list it on his Discord and do the transfer.
  9. Unread #5 - May 6, 2020 at 9:48 PM
  10. Alex
    Nov 19, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Le Christmas 2018 Sythe's 15th Anniversary Two Factor Authentication User Halloween 2021 Hoover Easter 2020 Summer 2020 Easter 2021
    St. Patrick's Day 2020 Christmas 2021 Halloween 2020 Christmas 2020 Summer 2019 <3 n4n0 Homosex Gohan has AIDS Heidy Easter 2018
    Christmas 2019 Potamus Easter 2019 Valentine's Day 2020

    Alex "Play by the rules, but be ferocious."


    You're misconstruing the facts.
    Ultimately, stated "asking 1b + xfer fee(200m) + my profit would be too much" I didn't state asking 1b would be too much, I said 1b+ all the fees involved in me selling the name for you would be too much.
    At no point did I say I was selling the name for free, you can see in your own quotes that I would be taking a profit on top of the transfer fee.

    As you say yourself, "the proof is in the pudding", I mentioned to you I would be taking a profit. You chose to not ask what that cut would be. My PM to you stated the amount you would receive, not the amount it was being sold for.

    Why in the world you would think I would sell the name for you, advertising it, finding a buyer, have discussions with people, and kill potential other sales of mine to sell your name for you, and do all this for free, is just ridiculous.

    I didn't try to play with timestamps and make up any lies, 500m is what you wanted.


    Mods, please review the evidence.

    I'm off for the night so won't be replying anymore and there's legit no needs to. Sorry you are pissed at the fact I profited 380m for finding you a buyer. I am totally aware I was not the owner of the name, but I was not your middleman, I was the person who found you that sale THEN Middlemanned it. You didn't come up to me with your buyer, that is 2 very different things. You 100% knew I was gonna be on the hunt for a buyer for you to get you 500m.

    You knew I was taking a profit on top of the transfer fee and you knew you were gonna get 500m out of your name. At no point I ever lied/scammed you, that is simply being extortion at this point.
    ^ AchillesOSRS likes this.
  11. Unread #6 - May 6, 2020 at 9:55 PM
  12. MachineGunMike
    Apr 30, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    MachineGunMike Member


    I am the purchaser of Hamouze's name. I never had any contact with Hamouze as Alex implied that he owned the name. In this screenshot it shows him telling me that he is a mercher so he buys and sells names so I thought he owned this name, he never mentioned that he was doing a transfer for someone else.

    Screenshot - 7b245ae4e4ac2519c2970361db42bba6 - Gyazo

    Hamouze said that he asked Alex to list it at 1.3b or more than 1b, which is exactly what he did. In this screenshot it shows that he offered it to me for 1.25b and then negotiated it down to 1.1b. I have no idea why he would tell Hamouze that he cannot list it for that much when he actually did.
    Screenshot - 92fe6a9afa1a6c9972057920a58602ad - Gyazo

    In my opinion, i know Alex knows his intention here. He was not honest with the seller and beat around the truth, knowing he was going to make way more money off the transfer than he would admit to Hamouze.
    ^ Dbuffed, owned, Kanna and 10 others like this.
  13. Unread #7 - May 6, 2020 at 10:39 PM
  14. Alex
    Nov 19, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Le Christmas 2018 Sythe's 15th Anniversary Two Factor Authentication User Halloween 2021 Hoover Easter 2020 Summer 2020 Easter 2021
    St. Patrick's Day 2020 Christmas 2021 Halloween 2020 Christmas 2020 Summer 2019 <3 n4n0 Homosex Gohan has AIDS Heidy Easter 2018
    Christmas 2019 Potamus Easter 2019 Valentine's Day 2020

    Alex "Play by the rules, but be ferocious."


    This is leading nowhere, yes he did ask me to list it so he gets 1b, how the name market works though, if you list a name for 1b, people will offer 750-800m tops. So if he REALLY wanted 1b, then in this case I would have needed to list it up for sale at like 1.3b + 260m xfer fee + lets say my cut 400-500m.

    Would have you paid 2.05b for the name @MachineGunMike ? No you wouldn't have, so this is why I didn't agree to list it to him for 1b.

    I never forced him to do 500m, he agreed to that price.

    There was no reason for me to state that this name was not mine, because I had agreement with Hamouze to put this name on my list to sell.

    In most cases back in the days when I last did sell names for people, everytime I would state something like *Well I don't own this name, someone else does...* they would simply not trust the fact I would not be the owner and would just dip/think it's to sketchy and simply ghost me. It was not needed for me to mention it. Was I selling this name? Yes I was.
    ^ AchillesOSRS likes this.
    Last edited: May 6, 2020
  15. Unread #8 - May 7, 2020 at 12:14 AM
  16. MachineGunMike
    Apr 30, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    MachineGunMike Member


    "Would have you paid 2.05b for the name @MachineGunMike ? No you wouldn't have, so this is why I didn't agree to list it to him for 1b.

    I never forced him to do 500m, he agreed to that price."

    You're not understanding, you made the seller feel like it wouldn't have even sold for his original asking of 1b.. youre right i wouldn't pay 2b, i paid the price YOU listed it as, thinking the owner of the name would get at 1b or at least most of the rsgp.. not 45% of it.. that's just ridiculous..

    You pulling the "forced him to" card. you are being petty. He is a buyer who had confidence and trust in you that you would give him the best service, i mean who wouldn't believe that with your reputation and commitment here on sythe? I'm getting nothing out of this whole situation, and nor do i know the seller, but i do believe you are wrong here Alex.
    ^ ABRA, Dbuffed, Amei and 3 others like this.
  17. Unread #9 - May 7, 2020 at 12:20 AM
  18. Alex
    Nov 19, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Le Christmas 2018 Sythe's 15th Anniversary Two Factor Authentication User Halloween 2021 Hoover Easter 2020 Summer 2020 Easter 2021
    St. Patrick's Day 2020 Christmas 2021 Halloween 2020 Christmas 2020 Summer 2019 <3 n4n0 Homosex Gohan has AIDS Heidy Easter 2018
    Christmas 2019 Potamus Easter 2019 Valentine's Day 2020

    Alex "Play by the rules, but be ferocious."


    I get your opinion, but the name itself meant ALOT to you you said, and even yourself just stated you wouldn't have paid that much. So it wouldn't have sold for his asking 1b + fees.

    I straight up told him I wouldn't do it for 1b which was in my rights. 500m was the agreement and I sticked to my words.

    Yes he did trust my words, my words were correct though, there was no reason for me to accept a deal I wouldn't beleive would work.

    He was free to go and ask another seller for a higher price or even try to sell it himself, I told him I'd get him 500m and charge my 20% xfer fees + My profit, he agreed to it and this is it.

    I did receive the feedback/opinions from 15-20 people, some thinks I was in my rights, some thinks I was in the wrong. I get both points of views, did I lie to him/scam him? I haven't. I'll respect mod's decisions.
    ^ Yirru, Ronin, AchillesOSRS and 1 other person like this.
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
  19. Unread #10 - May 7, 2020 at 6:26 PM
  20. Pikachu
    Jan 27, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Verified Ironman I saw Matthew Member of the Month Winner Detective Toast Wallet User
    Sythe's 15th Anniversary March Madness May the 4th Be With You Nitro Booster (2) Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner

    Pikachu - RuneScape Gambling
    Global Moderator Bond Holder Cool Cat Steve


    Ok, I have not been looking forward to this all day but here the verdict.

    I think @DesireX sums this up perfectly:


    With this being said throughout the whole trade it more seemed as if @Hamouze believed he was getting middle man rather then @Alexandre selling the name at a higher price which was never communicated correctly, for example:

    Screenshot - a065e233b17c5e9bbc6eb439f0fe523a - Gyazo

    In this screenshot @Alexandre said the following:

    Which would insulate that he only charging the xfer fee, while in the following screenshot
    Screenshot - 59b16d8139e002ab4c3c7fc2115a2fcb - Gyazo

    he insinuates quite the opposite. essentially what I am saying is the communication during the trade was really bad, but with this being said @Hamouze did ultimately accept the 500m as the deal.

    but with this being said @Alexandre a trade with caution for the following reasons:

    • He didn't have the best interests in mind for the person he was middle manning for (in this case @Hamouze )
    • listing a name that he doesn't own w/o publicly stating so.
    • Lying about the true value of the name
    This, not something we normally do but I will offer @Alexandre the option to have trade with caution removed for the price of 200m (based off lower price @Hamouze wanted here) which would have to be given to @Hamouze but that would be his own choice and we are not going to enforce this as I said @Hamouze did the accept 500m as the deal & @Alexandre didn't scam him, it was just poor communication

    Edit This was paid, trade with caution removed.
    ^ JerryCS, Obamaphobic, Rainbow and 7 others like this.
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
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