Evoolution requesting pardon for tweeting jagex

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Evoolution, Mar 31, 2020.

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Evoolution requesting pardon for tweeting jagex
  1. Unread #1 - Mar 31, 2020 at 7:05 PM
  2. Evoolution
    Aug 9, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Tier 1 Prizebox (2)

    Evoolution Remote Infernal capes
    $200 USD Donor New

    Evoolution requesting pardon for tweeting jagex

    Your profile link: Evoolution

    All of your Sythe Accounts:
    N/a, my previous pardon said that another user could of been me but im 99.9% sure that isnt me

    Report/post/reason that got you banned:
    Evoolution tweeting to Jagex

    Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims:

    Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now:
    Not that i know of

    Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you:

    Mid way through last year i tweeted to jagex regarding the upcoming inferno ban wave, inside that tweet i included a method which we(a select few of cape sellers) believed would be included in this ban wave, which we had what i would call pretty 'reliable' information. Some time on, this ban wave occurred and did include this method which we suspected would become detectable by jagex. Where all of this information had come from was either included in my previous pardon or at some point has been sent to video, However i don't want to include that in this pardon as i don't want this pardon to be about 'proof'. This tweet was then bought to the attention of video who approached me and asked if this was me, I was then issued a DNT which i would need to pardon for.

    Firstly i'd like to get out of the way i had absolutely no malicious intent and i truly believed what i tweeted was fine, hence it was from my main twitter with the name 'ethan', and with the same profile pic i use for discord. But now after some time and a couple conversations with various staff i understand the reasoning behind it not being okay, I can move forward with what i know and avoid anything like this ever happening in the future.

    I'd like to explain my thought process behind tweeting first, what i wanted from that tweet was an official public confirmation that it was (portfowarding ban wave for inferno) in fact coming, which then would be nice for me/my customers to know so i can advise them properly and ensure i keep myself and my customers safe. This + my genuine curiosity was the whole reason behind tweeting. However looking back on it now it definitely wasn't necessary and i just shouldn't have tweeted anything period.

    I do however feel i went about my first pardon the complete wrong way, I rushed it and just shot it up without putting any real thought into it as soon as the incident occurred. In that pardon i was more trying to justify what i had tweeted rather than taking responsibility for it, i understand i made a mistake and i definitely should just keep to myself in the future. I have definitely realised over the past 3 months there is no need to chase extra information especially if it has the potential, even if unlikely, of negatively affecting others. Especially in the way i did, being bringing up a method used on black-market websites to Jmods on twitter regardless of how confident i was that they knew about it and that it was happening.

    I hope i can get pardoned and given another chance as i do always try my best to keep my customers safe, and almost never get any negative feedback, i go as far as declining capes for customers when i know that there is a good chance their cape will get removed due to whatever reason ie recently moved house. This was a one off mistake and i will make sure it never happens again if given the opportunity.

    If there is any other questions or you would like to see anything feel free to pm my discord

    Did you fully read and follow this sticky thread in the pardon section?:yes

    Previous pardon link(s) if applicable: Evoolution requesting pardon for tweeting jagex
  3. Unread #2 - Apr 1, 2020 at 9:24 AM
  4. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
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    Evoolution requesting pardon for tweeting jagex

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