Starman123/Seanballer06-requesting a pardon for Scamming/Ban Evading/DNT

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by starman123, Jan 31, 2020.

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Starman123/Seanballer06-requesting a pardon for Scamming/Ban Evading/DNT
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 31, 2020 at 12:19 PM
  2. starman123
    Aug 8, 2018
    Sythe Gold:

    starman123 Member

    Starman123/Seanballer06-requesting a pardon for Scamming/Ban Evading/DNT

    • Your profile link: starman123
    • All of your Sythe Accounts:
      • Starman123 (Account that SCAMMED),
      • Seanballer06 (Ban Evading) -------I hope to get both accounts unbanned/DNT'ed.
      • Randypker07 (DNT'ed) (Account I ban Evaded on to simply leave vouches for traders)
      • bobbytheSlayer06 (Account I ban Evaded on to simply leave vouches for traders)

    • Report/post/reason that got you banned:I messaged a guy selling a level 114 main account. He is a 5$ donator named "Ugly God." He didn't accept my offer, but told me that if I train one of his client's accounts, I will be rewarded/paid with the level 114 main. I agreed. Once given the training account, I took 10m off of it and trained random stats. I then logged off and was later banned on sythe. I am a scum for what I did. I scammed and took gp off an innocent person's account. I am truly sorry and have refunded what I scammed plus interest. No Debts have been owed for over a year now.
    • Imgur ((Shows Ugly God messaging me randomly to train his client's account)
    • Imgur ((shows Ugly God giving me Lukas's account and what needed to be done)
    • Starman123 Scammer (Link/thread where I got banned)

    • Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims: Imgur
    • Antiscam Starman123/Seanballer06 disc: igetsat#5024 (I was "Antiscammed" which forced me to refund the scam I did. This forced me to realize how pathetic I was. Scamming someone is honestly the worst feeling in the world.)

    • Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now: NOTHING

    • Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you:
      • I made a terrible mistake. I ruined someone's poor account and took their gold. I am truly ashamed of what I've done. I was "anti scammed" which was how I ended up refunding/paying my dues. Being banned/DNTed from sythe has truly shown me what I've done. I've lost access to a great trading platform that brings players together for the good of game play and fun. It has been almost a year since I was originally banned. Since then I have changed as a person and have realized how stupid and scum I was for scamming an innocent person trying to get their account trained.
      • I was technically "anti-scammed" and was forced to pay my wrongdoings. This made me realize how fucking stupid, terrible, and shitty I was. I ruined someone's account and took their gold. I'm honestly thankful to have been antiscammed. This has made me realize that scamming is wrong and has terrible consequences. I paid my dues and am very sorry. I hope I will be able to use the sythe platform again. This platform helps players in many ways.
    • Did you fully read and follow this sticky thread in the pardon section?: YES
    • Previous pardon link(s) if applicable: Starman123/Seanballer06-requesting a pardon for Scamming/Ban Evading/DNT Starman123/Seanballer06-requesting a pardon for Scamming/Ban Evading/DNT Starman123/Seanballer06-requesting a pardon for Scamming/Ban Evading/DNT (3 pardons, 1 of them was denied due to not meeting the 3 month requirement, posted it 10 days before.)
    • My pardon has been denied 2 (real) times. I hope this time (3rd pardon) will be successful. I have not left any information out nor have I ban evaded to my knowledge. Thankyou for taking time to read this through and sentimental pardon. Wish you a Happy New Year Sythe Staff!!!
    I hope This account, my first sythe account (Starman123) can be unbanned and my other accounts terminated. Sorry for the hassle guys =[
  3. Unread #2 - Jan 31, 2020 at 1:11 PM
  4. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Starman123/Seanballer06-requesting a pardon for Scamming/Ban Evading/DNT

    Hello @starman123,

    User: starman123

    Antiscam Starman123/Seanballer06 disc: igetsat#5024
    Starman123 Scammer
    starbuddy123 Ban/DNT Evading (Scammer)

    Previous pardon:
    Seanballer06/Starman123-requesting a pardon for Scamming/Ban Evading/DNT
    Starman123/Seanballer06-requesting a pardon for Scamming/Ban Evading/DNT

    Since there are no debts owed and and no signs of ban evasion this can move to voting. Results can take up to two weeks and when a verdict is reached, your name will be shown in this thread.

    Until then, please remain patient, thank you.
< Pero: DNT dispute | Pendulum >

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