Vallance requesting a pardon for Dox

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Vallance, Jan 25, 2020.

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Vallance requesting a pardon for Dox
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 25, 2020 at 10:18 AM
  2. Vallance
    Apr 30, 2017
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    Vallance requesting a pardon for Dox

    Your profile link: Vallance
    All of your Sythe Accounts: username : Vallance

    Report/post/reason that got you banned: Dox

    Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims: N/A

    Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now: N/A

    Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you:

    Roughly 2 years ago there was a Facebook group which I had joined with Dbuffed being an admin of the group. I had made a 150M deposit to start working with Dbuffed, I had to apply to work through him. Everything went fine until I had a break up with my ex in real life and things turned sour for me.

    I had explained to Dbuffed my situation and that I might go awol because of the circumstance in my life, and unfortunately I did eventually go awol and I did because of my situation at the time, I was kicked out and had to move, I had no internet and had to wait weeks for a new supplier to come out and activate my new internet.

    When I went awol, I understand I had a few open orders and that it was an inconvenience to Dbuffed and his customers that this had happened, however I do feel Dbuffed could of been way more reasonable and understanding about my circumstance, however he was not sympathetic in any way, which made me angry.

    This conversation soon escalated into heated words due to neither of us willing to compromise and work the situation out. In the end he ended up keeping my deposit.

    I was angry at Dbuffed because in my eyes my deposit was stolen, This deposit was all I had at the time, literally $140 dollars I had to my name to get something started again, so I was really angry and frustrated by his actions and ended up exchanging heated words back to which he ended up blocking me from everything with no ability to communicate with him, I was blinded by my own anger and consumption for justification of what had happened.
    I then started to add his friends on Facebook to try and contact him, At this point in time I was not even associated with Sythe or any forums, and if I were, I certainly would not have acted the way I did as I would not want to risk my future ability to trade and trust with other people. I was just so frustrated at the time and said many stupid things in reaction to Dbuffeds actions and words towards me, which I cannot even remember what I had said.

    We dealt with this situation ourselves and had apologised to eachother, and started to talk again like normal, we even started to share Discord servers and invited customers to eachothers server.

    The report Dbuffed made was 6 months after the offence even took place, before I had made my Sythe account. We had forgiven each other and moved on from this dispute we had so long ago now.
    I felt betrayed as he knew we let this go and felt he did it to spite me, I could not understand why he waited over 6 months to report me for something we had already worked out and moved on from :(

    I know I cannot go back and change what had happened, I wish I could,as life has been an uphill struggle for me since and I just want to get back on track with my life again. This work and community on Sythe gave me motivation, purpose, something to be proud of and I miss it so much.

    Did you fully read and follow this sticky thread in the pardon section?: Yes.

    Previous pardon link(s) if applicable: Vallance requesting a pardon for Dox

    Vallance requesting a pardon for Doxing


    Vallance requesting a pardon for Doxxing

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  3. Unread #2 - Jan 25, 2020 at 4:30 PM
  4. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
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    Vallance requesting a pardon for Dox

    ^ Vallance likes this.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2020
< Banned for 100% nothing lmao | Protector DNT Request >

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