CHEAP 1950ttl/111cb MAX POH 99Con/99Ran/96farm/95hp/90str/85atk/85Def/91mag

Discussion in 'OSRS Main Accounts: Level 80+' started by OK GOLD, Aug 11, 2018.

CHEAP 1950ttl/111cb MAX POH 99Con/99Ran/96farm/95hp/90str/85atk/85Def/91mag
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 11, 2018 at 4:36 PM
  2. OK GOLD
    Aug 10, 2018
    Sythe Gold:

    OK GOLD Newcomer

    CHEAP 1950ttl/111cb MAX POH 99Con/99Ran/96farm/95hp/90str/85atk/85Def/91mag

    Very good account. Just strapped for money after my mom died and don't really play much. Extremely High Skills, Quest Cape, All Hard Diaries, GRaceful, prospector, void range and mage, MAxed house with pool magic swap and altar [​IMG] CHECK STATS

    skype live: jewishcarl
    I've never been involved with this community so i dont have vouches and all that.. found this with a google search. Expecting to use a middle man but will go first with a trusted member of this site.. need to sell fast so im open to lower offers. I will provide original email account login for you to have as well. Theres personal emails that will probably go there in the future so please keep in touch with me if i need to change..

    BTC ONLY need quick sale

    [​IMG] poh [​IMG]

    bank [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    quest [​IMG] [​IMG]
< [Selling] 108 cmb, 1608 total, base 60 account - CHEAP! | Remove Thread. >

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