Joe Watts - Requesting Pardon for scamming 350M

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Joe Watts 11, Jan 19, 2018.

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Joe Watts - Requesting Pardon for scamming 350M
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 19, 2018 at 10:33 AM
  2. Joe Watts 11

    Joe Watts 11 Guest

    Joe Watts - Requesting Pardon for scamming 350M

    Profile link:
    Joe Watts

    Report/post/reason that got you banned:
    Scamming Adrian123 for 350M

    Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims:
    Proof is sensitive information, please refer to Admin King for confirmation of refund.
    350M was refunded + 30M extra.

    Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now:

    Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you:
    I was angry and disappointed after being anti-scammed for seemly no reason (at the time). The accusations were I committed bank fraud in an attempt to reverse a UKBT, which wasn't true.

    However my actions did indirectly lead to the money transferred being placed on hold which caused this mess.

    After my Sythe profile got banned and had 3 accounts which I paid 137M total for recovered + 30M bank + 2 weeks mems on each account + questing services and power levelling paid for as well as 65M Sythe donation taken away when I actually didn't scam anyone was a shock.

    I was falsely accused of attempting to reverse a UKBT piled with no concrete evidence to support these actions just suspicions, needless to say I was really annoyed and confused.

    This is when the scam took place...

    Adrian123 added me on Skype and asked to buy 350M, I wasn't sure if it was legit or another anti-scam either way in my anger I took his money which was the wrong thing to do and I'm sorry. It was fully refunded to Adrian & a an apology bonus was given.

    I've squared things with everyone involved. Gave Adrians a bonus, tried to offer Cherrys 65M which he humbly declined, and will compensate HNC as soon as accounts have been returned if they are as he only recovered the accounts after being told to do so. His time was spent as well.

    Did you fully read and follow this sticky thread in the pardon section?:

    Previous pardon link(s) if applicable:

    Additional information:
    To answer a few statements from Kings post in thread:
    Joe Watts Banned - Appeal To Remove Ban

    (For new readers, we are talking about a fraudster who bought gp from me and caused my account to get locked & Cherrys funds to appear reversed)

    (technically you could of if you weren't careless with the people you traded / involved with), which led to fraud that led to holy cherrys losing his money.

    Joe Watts reply:
    Never met the guy before in my life, hard to know who is legit. He asked me for OSRS gold like anyone else would... Paid upfront then I delivered, how was I suppose to know he was using fake banks?

    It's not careless on my behalf, he has been doing this for years and done the same thing to gold sellers much smarter and more experienced than myself. I'm sure you've also experienced something similar at one point or other. No one is perfect.

    Cherrys never lost a penny, they put his funds on hold. I've apologised to him and offered to pay 65m as a gift which he humbly declined, I'm in his debt but the issue is resolved.


    I'd like to be unbanned and re-join Sythe but that's out of my control. I've done everything I can to fix the problems I caused and made sure everything was square with the people involved.

    In future I will be allot more cautions off and on Sythe if I'm aloud back. It's been a learning lesson.

    If that's not good enough for you, fair enough.

    Cheers for reviewing,

    Joe Watts.
  3. Unread #2 - Jan 19, 2018 at 1:03 PM
  4. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
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    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
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    Joe Watts - Requesting Pardon for scamming 350M

    User: Joe Watts
    Ban reason: Scamming - Bought 3 Accounts from trusted user all been recovered - Joe Watts Scammer
    If I understand @King well enough in this post all debts are repaid.

    Your pardon will now go into voting. This will take atleast a week, but might take a bit more in some cases.
    Meanwhile, feel free to Request a DNT though if you do, make sure you read this sticky first.
    When your pardon is finished, your name will be shown in this thread as either accepted or denied.
    Until then, please remain patient, thank you.
  5. Unread #3 - Jan 26, 2018 at 2:48 AM
  6. King
    Apr 2, 2017
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    Joe Watts - Requesting Pardon for scamming 350M

    Your pardon has been accepted, therefore I've requested that your DNT is removed, so be patient for now until a Global Moderator+ removes it. Make sure you're up-to-date on all of the Sythe rules, which can be found here: The Official Rules. Aside from that, welcome back to Sythe. Make us proud! :)
    ^ Joe Watts likes this.
< Requesting HHHBK Pardon | TheGoldFriend off-site Blackhat / Ban evading >

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