hey look it's the guy that hired the frauders
I told you already this is fraud and I'm not falling for it, wont be long before someone else gets set up. You know how many people double sending...
That's a double send
I'm waiting to see what my next action is, as you're a double sending moron - you and whoever hired you is a freak, matter of time before I find...
@Pendulum Isn't him refusing to show quite clear this whole "scam" is a hoax? Group of newcommers hired by another gold buyer/seller to try shut...
@Pendulum All this guy has to do is show me his history, I already paid this moron as well, just a group of newcommer friends trying to fuck over...
see edited
Screenshot - a65dcdb6dfc69ddd0dc509fafc714e94 - Gyazo same gyazo I sent to him 2 hours ago
double sender
I actually paid for this one
@Andy Samberg @King
Delusional, shown him the transaction 150 times - he shown me his crypto wallet, I told him if he shows me the history of the wallet and it's not...
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