Well, I've used a paid Graahk scripts for months on 5 accounts and got a minor ban after like, half a year (on nexus, old bot). However, when...
Alright I think I've had a similar (or same) issue, make sure wine & winebottler is saved in your applications, have the "wine files" folder saved...
Please describe where it is in the guide you are having the problem. Its a well written guide that's helps a lot if you follow it correctly.
Well, no. However you could send a message to Jagex customer support and include all your auths in the message, they might reimburse you.
Theres a better vid of a kid crying over skype after getting his partyhat lured, nd his parents literally begging/ threatening the scammers for it...
You'll fail a lot of obstacles in the wilderness course, so you'll want to bring some type of food, I always brought cake, anything cheap with...
Late vouch :embar: Haven't tried the astral yet, but the Nature is running perfect. Version 2.9 was flawless, now Version 3 is amazing! Pro...
Well I tried Excel and it couldn't open the file. I've also tried out Notepad ++ from a suggestion online that only gave me the account names I...
Hello there, to all those who once used Nexus/ibot, I'm sure you remember the username page, where one picks their account to use for botting. My...
I added you, your offline
Hey cicak I'm adding you on msn, interested in the price of Script #2 and Fruitbat.
I'm interested, but undecided. Are the Gp per hour on your post updated to today? Also, are there limits to how many accounts you can use at once...
I'd like to buy both bots please, my skype: rabarabao (text chat only please) I'll pm you on villavu if necessary
well thats enough proof for me, this thread can be closed or whatever. Still odd to me that the thread was closed and hidden so quickly, but i...
lol ok my bad then, I just wanted to post this here cause it seems suspicious, + rsbots has a lot of customers, but at the same time could be...
Then why are you posting -.-
These posts were taken off the Rsbots.net forum in the "RS" section around 30 minutes ago. [IMG] My second picture screwed up -.- but it said "to...
Vouch for DorianKing I sold him 270 mil @ .375m/ ea LEGItttt
I'll sell 250 Mil for .50$/M over Pa only, msn is below
hey I'm interested in selling 250 Mil, add me msn: robot750@hotmail.com (I have you added)