@CanadianSales18 heres just another one of my victims
Where did that 2k dispute go that was opened on you?
Do you have discord? Really interested in this
can pay in Btc PayPal Altcoins UKBT
Added you on discord.
I’ll buy, PM me bro
Do you have discord I can contact you on? I don’t use Skype.
Do you have discord we can deal on?
bitcoin, PayPal, Amazon, UKBT accepted. We can use a middleman if needed
Hey, do you have discord?
Pm’d you
i have 700m for sale. We can use a middleman, ONSITE. I won’t be going first. Bitcoin PayPal Alt coins AGC
Deal with caution
Selling all my gold, open to use a middleman. Not going first Stock - 400m $0.70/m Crypto currency & PayPal
max I’ll pay is 1k BTC/ETH/LTC PayPal or UK bank transfer if you want. Offer me, can show pof