Huge vouch for peter, hes a good merching friend of mine. LEGIT love you peter<3
lol nice try, everyone look at the url of his thread.. its a fake rs site, do not enter your information into it. Good try kid ;)
Read the dam post and consider that he just scamed 665 dollars khalsa...
Garenteed i have done more in gp sales and buys then you mate, also dont insult other members to get ahead.
Vouch for bsbllplyr1234, Good guy, got 36mill so far, sent him money.. Buying another hopefully 500mill in the future or more =))
Trusted, want to talk to you once more, but then ill send the money, ttyl mate.
Sending money to Trusted soon, buying 40mill. Look forward to trading with you =)
Hey Will #1 - Your MSN / AIM address - Private, but you know it. #2 - Amount of GP - 30mill #3 - Your Payment Method -via mail, track and...
kk, well then im probably back to buying from you if things dont get sorted out <3 ill try to get ahold of you on msn.
hey r2 could you plz pm me about fade when you get a chance =\
dude your not a big deal cause you have 50 posts, plus probably half of those are on this thread.. i garentee if you continue to spam you will be...
He gets on msn with his i-phone alot, and its late where he is.
lol thats pretty funny =P
Hey didnt notice you and r2 split up, good luck on your own fadeaway =) I'll be on tomarrow afternoon and will give you my acc info then, btw...
Nvm going to buy from Wag, soz. if you guys lower prices to 4.50 or so i would be happy to start buying again..
To my knowledge you can't use a proxy on you use to not be alowed to and probably still cant. I personaly dont think that jagex...
Alright, ill actually go see how much $$ i have right now, ill talk to you on msn.. probably around 20-30mill, and if my friend adds in maybe 50
"Trades are done in High lvl bounty hunter, in the order of when your order was placed." Read Before You Post -.-
:D **Vouch** just bought 69mill from fadeaway, very nice guy and good to work with. Very helpfull, thanks loads. Ill be coming back to you again...
hey dude its 5 oclock eastern time now, um.. im leaving in an hour and a half ill be back at like 9:00 eastern time.. cya tomarrow if i cant get...