limiq has his own limiq/coinsales discord name? Limiq#9620
vouch baha was good help :)
vouch alex was awesome help today :)
got some osrs for good rate via pp :) thanks baha
vouched bought some osrs for good deal
vouch 86m via pp
Vouch completed regicide for me. Will recommend for others :) (and my future)
awesome prices 42m vouch. arion was good help :)
done thanks
Scammer's profile link: Rsislife199 Explain the service: was to complete a quest. used services before so more built trust. cleaned my bank...
what u made off me in a scam u coulda made in 2 weeks and now ur gonna get banned sooooo
rip 150m. gl on sythe scammer
damn used before. thought i could trust without moving my bank. blocked me on discord and drained my 150m bank.
How much for 200m and we use a vouched MM?
Lol I’ll start bud at 25m
130m in stock? discount for all? :p
looking for 150-200m osrs via PP pm me if interested ive got a couple vouches on player auctions for paypal.
pm me
Wtb 200m via pp. pm me for discord name or reply with quote plz
vouch she did 5 quests for me one being ds2. also helped level some skills needed for reqs. good prices, good time efficiency very helpful :)