How much for mm2 on a zerker? 87 cmb, 45 def, 52 prayer. I have all the reqs done and partly started the quest until I got to the first dungeon.
These are always the dumbest threads. They've been made since at least 10 years ago. People always say the game is dying. It's a 15+ year old...
I'll buy 60m
I'm looking to buy 60m. Pm me please?
Looking to buy 60m
Hey, I'd like to buy 50m.
I'll buy 50m. You go first though.
I just finished alching with garyshood from 55-94 over roughly 2-3 weeks, 6-12 hours a day while at work/sleeping. I let the six hour timer log me...
Verac's*. Couldn't find the edit button on my phone.
It just means yours is in tradeable brand new condition. As soon as you get hit by a monster it'll degrade to 100%, 75% and so on until it is...
Lol. It has been awhile! What are these pid/tick/rng shenanigans that everyone keeps talking about in vids and stuff?
Just ordered B gloves! Seems like a great dude so far. Super patient and a very helpful, detailed person to work with.
Can I get a pm on the info?
Wow, motherload mining is kickass. Only got 12k exp an hour at 40 mining but I was playing draft champions on madden on my PS4 at the same time....
Oh cool, man! Thanks for the info!
Hey, I'm just coming back after five years of not playing. Is this the thing that people are using in their pk vids that shows the other persons...
Oh, perfect! I have to look into that nmz thing. I've heard a lot about that.
Amount of gold you need : 200m Payment method IDeal/Paypal/Skrill/Other : paypal Have you contacted me : no
Oh? D claws are different than they used to be?
Yeah, but what are the new mini games worth doing and items worth getting?