Just came back after awhile of not gaming. Came back to being banned but i see nothing against me? Can someone please help?
how about suck a dick, lying bitch. You didnt post a scam report 1 1/2 years ago, why? because youre full of shit. Get hit by a bus pussy.
so some faggot from 1 1/2 years ago can post a thread 1 1/2 years AFTER it supposedly happened and try to get me banned, but cant report me WHEN...
ok bud, appreciate the quick response. Just this reports been here for few days and was wondering whats going on. Curious how he can report me...
@Wortel can you tell me what i should do, please. Tired of waiting days.
Someone handle this bs. The kid messaged me saying supposedly i scammed him of 4m. Takes days upon days to resolve this issue?
this was over a year and a half ago, if you expect me to remember wtf when on that long ago, good luck. If i scammed him that long ago why is this...
Some mod take care of this and lmk. This idiots annoying.
I'm telling you to show me how i SCAMMED YOU supposedly, like 1 1/2 years ago and why its just now being brought up? show proof or stfu, plain and...
show proof of this supposed scam from over a year ago, please. OR stfu and gtfo. Tired of kids like you.
Once he gets his shit straight and shows how i scammed like 2 years ago, then ill see wtf is going on. All it shows so far is that i deleted him...
pictures aint working bud and no offence but i dont think that name is rare, its not a proper spelling.
osrs gp
you oo?