pc: Brock
vouch, sold him my acc :)
vouch, mm'ed a transaction for btc for my acc
Your Skype username: msc.fanboy Other user's Skype username: veelasquezz Link to account thread: Selling 126cb 2100+ acc with pets/items Amount...
next offer takes it
Type of trade: my 07 acc for their 07gp Amount of trade: 500m Your skype/discord: msc.fanboy Their skype/discord: live:manishj Do you agree to the...
The trade is: my 07 acc for thier 07 gp My Skype is: msc.fanboy Special notes: looking for OMM only for this transaction please
a/w price drop
bump, accepting offers
Selling my maxed main Specs: 126cb 99: att, str, def, range, magic, prayer, hp 93: Slayer 90+: 8 skills base skill: level 80 prayers: all...
need someone to get me a kq head. must be HIGHLY trusted. payment terms can be discussed. pm me if you're interested.
looking for someone to get from 153 to 180 kudos. you must be highly trusted. the method has to be fossil island fossil displays as everything...
bought 50m again, thanks as always :)
added skype
added your skype
sounds good, i'll be around. i have email notifs on as well
i'll buy it :) discord Eldamar #2690 or pm