It's a cry for help. He wants to know if they look ok.
Simba is number one, and these scripts are fire. Community beats the shit out of this one too.
Just get a decent regular bot. Mobile bots don't have lower banrates despite what people parrot.
HCIM or not is irrelevant to this account. Any level 3 with 99 slayer will be about 1-3 grand but that will depend on whether a buyer exists. And...
I'll ban them when I ask my admin friends.
Plus SCAR had the cute bulldozer icon. [IMG]
Sythelib; written in C++ with a python wrapper to write scripts. Still uncool compared to the chad Delphi/Pascal Simba that uses Lape. Maybe if...
Male, 36 Would be less embarrassing if you were 12 to be honest. Don't you have some kids and a wife to disappoint? Or did you lose everything in...
The fuck is Sythe gold?
Need another chick to bang their dog.
Nice work detective, I will perma ban them in short order.
Dead forum.
wrong section plz delete
I've botted every 99 at least once.
Talk to an actual financial expert. Crypto people have a vested interest in trying to get you to buy crypto because it's the only way their...
This is a chip that can hit over 300 watts full bore. I'd say as long as you aren't doing sustained workstation loads that peg it to 100% in a hot...