hey how much could you do for 79 - 99 str, 79- 94 atk, 79- 94 def i have rock cake, also need 75- 99 range in near future once im 75
hey, im looking to get my combat much higher on my main. i'm looking to get 90's in all combat stats except prayer. please leave a price and...
hey need around 30m, paying with cad. will use e-transfer or other safe payment method
contact me
hey is this still for sale? do you accept many forms of payment or singular one time
hey need following skills levelled 79 atk,str, and def to 90's 71 mage - 90's 71 range - 90's can you msg me with estimate thanks.
hey would like some training done so i can make pking great again can u pm me rates please?
will use discord or something.