Would you please consider swapping me man? I've been trying extremely hard to get a pure AMAZING BARROW'S PURE! 99 STR! FULLY QUESTED!
Bumpp! someone buy this so I can buy a 1 def pure
Bumppp! Someone buy this so I can buy a pure
Would you be willing to just help me out? :/ go through my content al ive beent rying to do is get a pure man :/
Please consider it :/ ive been trying sooo hard <3 just considering it is a thankyou from me
Willing to do someone a solid and swap for this? <3 AMAZING BARROW'S PURE! 99 STR! FULLY QUESTED!
:( I get it, well if you change your mind man and wanna help someone out the offer stands
Looking to swap this Nice Barrow's Pure for a 1 Defense Pure! All Offer's are noted. I'm willing to use Middleman Or Player Auctions. I'm legit!...
willing to do a swap brotha? I'm legit willing to use Middleman player auctions, anything. Ive been trying so hard to get a pure AMAZING BARROW'S...
interested in a swap for this? Id highly appreacite it man, ive been trying so hard. I'm willing to use OMM/player auctions anything. I'm legit....
Would you be willing to do a trade for an amazing barrows pure? AMAZING BARROW'S PURE! 99 STR! FULLY QUESTED!
Looking to do a swap friend? ive been searching everywhere to try and get a pure. <3 AMAZING BARROW'S PURE! 99 STR! FULLY QUESTED!
We Could use a trusted middle man I could highly assure you I wouldn't do ya wrong sir. This is exactly what I'm looking for! :/ well I understand...
Willing to do a swap? :) AMAZING BARROW'S PURE! 99 STR! FULLY QUESTED!
Looking To Swap My Barrow's Pure With 99 Str FULLY quested WITH Veng. Also Looking For Cool People To Scape With :)
Darn! Haha I've been trying sooo hard! :p Well if you change your mind friend id be much obliged! Or if you have a 1 Def Pure id be highly...
Interested in a swap man? Dying for a Pure AMAZING BARROW'S PURE! 99 STR! FULLY QUESTED!
Are you willing to do the swap for your pure? you didn't pm me back
I only have the account to offer :( Its a hell of an account worth at the least 150m. Please consider it man, id highly appreciate it