ill trade a account for it?
themaffman:jackjughes95:ii sai: these accs il sell to u cheap in bulk
basically i sold him a acc for 100m he came and a felt it was abit fishy i siad i wanted ccash up front and we went back and fourth i then gave...
fuckign bs u tryed to scam me i anti scammed u yes i admit but ur the real scammer here
he tryed to scam me so i anti scammed him 20m :) #fuckscammers am i right??
that wasent me? add me on discord now puppypugger1 #7889
bump accepting 100m
a/w ill put at 150m gp or 170 doller paypal
Gyazo - 26963c4a376736ed84428c59eb80dc98.png Gyazo - 28450cec5724fcd49c565063ce7d9c28.png
mining and crafting level?
forgot so say account has all god books firecape ofc :)) god cape as saradomin no black marks has 90 qp including all needed like dt mm if u want...
no banns quested all needed im original owner i did bot about 40-53 thiev and 70-85 str but jagex never noticed STATS - Gyazo -...
add me on discord @puppypugger1
ill buy15m
ill buy 50m
obby tank - Gyazo - c6f25b5f05840c91de316c34ad29c108.png main/odds staker - Gyazo - 37a0268aa79087c8b694788b87e9cac8.png
30m 07
MESSAGE ME on discord ill pay asking price --puppupugger1