How much is it in total @Chloe and @Pleb ?
Thanks @Chloe And a sincere apology to @Pleb for this. My own fault for allowing someone to potentially access my accounts. If you play any...
Wont allow me to @Chloe Ill be home in 2-3 hours and then you could mm if possible
Cant contact him via pm as it doesn't work now, and my skype is still compromised im in the process of recovering it
1036 10000
Also i accept that this is enough proof that this occurred. My own fault for this happening. I think it was done by who i thought was a trusted...
I was on discord this morning. I've just recovered my account I've only been gone like 12 hours... You can quote this if nessecary. How much is...
It looks to me like he said it's been verified at 60/40 though. Which it technically did, didn't it? The man who "verified" this method needs a...
Sold me 5.5b soulsplit, he went first. thankyou very much. He had to respond to the thread before I could vouch.
Please make sure you report this appropriately, this isn't the way to go buddy.
If you're willing to be flexible with your payment methods please hmu on skype. Vouches and skype are in my sig.
12 Minutes from posting to ban, @Gracious that's got to be a record?
I may be interested in this. Add my Skype.
When you get ss3 let me know buddy
Adding you to skype now.
Sounds cool to me.