talking on skype now :)
price can be negotiated if buying all Skype Live:804ls1fd3s
I can do this added on skype :)
added on skype
just wondering how many people would like to get in on this if I could get a big enough group 3-5 people I maybe could get a better discount idk...
Nothing But good Vibes
:pWrong section...
Good rental!!!! low win loss ratio too so i'll be adding more to that later thanks for the rental and thanks for not scamming for my deposit too...
Can pay via pp and btc will go first if you're more trusted than myself rate's depend on how much you're selling Live:804ls1fd3s
skype live:804ls1fd3s I will not go first btc only thanks
pp or btc skype in sig
Interested in around 200m
add my skype your not showing up live:804ls1fd3s nvm found u