Bought 93m osrs of him, no issues <3
Sold me 93m OSRS, no issues. Thanks a lot!
mmd for me for free, very nice and chill person ++A!
Bump, still looking
bump Rates?
I would buy if its actually you, your skype seems sketchy. Can you confirm what is ur actual skype ID?
Im looking to buy 300m 07 via PayPal. I got a few vouches in here, but I got 500+ offsite. I've handled and MM'd billions of trades. Skype:...
You know nothing.
The thing is im odd staker and I can meet u ingame on my stakers. Who are you? My ass cares for post counts
ez pz
Wortel is a nice person, knew that since he first pmed me on skype =]
First of all I am not sure if this is allowed to post in Sythe... If it's not allowed, please delete and im sorry. Request: I am searching for a...
Pm the names
Pm me the name
What is your skype?
Yep. They aren't polling this because they know its not going to pass while we have over 2k accounts lol.
The funny thing is, Jagex know he used to do it and rwt'd a lot, yet they didn't ban him nor they sued him. Scumbags only pay attention to streamers.
bye rs lolz
Pm me them :)
I am not looking for number name. I am looking for short name, could be female name, male name, animal name, etc. You go first unless you want to...