still selling ill sell the account and status together for $15 (its 25-30b PKH gold)
hahah! go texans though hell yeah to that!!
you can auto click the snow ball pit and anybody could do it plus their value to anybody is probably next to nothing... haha sorry bro
i would donate $25 like i did and get svu and get some vouches and become really trusted
studying criminal justice as im in the navy and get school for free hehe
i would pay if i was buying maybe $50-65 USD
chas i added you on skype waiting for your response.
title says it all i have VIP on my tribot account and a lot of paid bots ready for anybody to use for a low payment of 1m a week! unlimited...
2 posts. good account. sounds like a scam maybe. if i was you i would get trusted on here first before you try to sell a good account for a lot of...
just added your skype and it doesnt look like hes buying any shit of a pure ^^
ill buy contaact my sktype please wrxbunz
ill buy 20m contact my skype please wrxbunz
cavs alllll the way
dont know who is maxing
stil for sale
still for sale
bummpppp nobody wants?!
lmao everrynight and mornings if i have to go somewhere.
interested looks nice pm me a price please