Type of trade: 07 GP for Ikov Acc Amount of trade: 10M 07 Your Skype: frenchcorebeast.pb Other user's Skype: manlepobret Have you added me on...
No one interested?
cmon guys buy this accoount
Buying Ikov GP i offer this Maxed Rs3 acc which include a 07 acc only use a mm...
I have a got main with meele stats 70+ 114qp+ torso But it will be around 50-60b ikov
im looking to buy like 2b ssgp ill can pay with 07 gp or rs3 gp
push it
Added U
I will do this By hand for 5M Its maybe takes 2-3 Days
I will do fletch or cooking 99 for 9M 07 gp by Hand
i want rs3 gp or 07 gp make me an offer
I got a Super Donator Ikov Acc with max cape all skills 99 + dung 104
Dear User Im Selling my Runescape 3 Main because i stop playing on this Account . The Account has a Included 07 Account . Im the First Owner...
I have a Max Caper on Ikov with 50$ Donator and dung 104 how much rs3gp u will pay me
Vouch for the Sexy guy did me craft 57 :)
My Vouches :)
I need 70-90 Str on my Zerker Done Only Trusted People Im looking to spend 20 Not more it must be done by hand
added u on skype