Sold him 40m rs07. Smooth as always
Sold another 22m, fast and friendly
Sold him another 40m 07. Smooth as always
Sold him another 41m rs07.
Bought 40m07 from me. Always fast and efficient.
Sold him an account. He trusted me, he went first. Gave me 15m 07 for a high combat account
Sold him 62m rs07. Always fast and a nice guy
Updated AW prices.
ehyo still selling. online skype too
Sold account 2. Still need to sell 1 and 3.
MM'd for me. I sold an account f0r 07. It went fast and smooth, good guy.
MM'd for me. I sold an account for rs07 gp.
added auto win prices.
Sorry, Updated.
Bought 72 mill off me, fast and friendly.
I have 5 of these, all around the same stats. [IMG] These are the only relevant stats. No Quests done. You will be receiving the email...
rs3 release
Sold him 50m rs07. Love this guy
Sold my main man Kevin 40m rs07.