Looks awesome, signing up now :D
Where are you going to train? GL btw
10000 gl me :D
Capricon has reported a post. Reason:Hey! Could you please delete this thread? Someone told me this is how I can get a thread to be deleted....
I know it's third party and is bannable, however it's impossible for them to "detect" you, like they can supposedly do for powerbot.
Hey all, The other day I found this awesome little program. It allows you to select a small box, and within that box click randomly, and best...
Bump! Sorry about the long delay in bumping this, had some IRL issues come up. All sorted now! :D
Is there currently an A/w?
Are you prepared to use an MM?
Would you be willing to use an MM and is there an A/w currently?
Is there an A/W currently?
Get forum addict thing and start a skilling service/maybe questing :D
Too much effort to type in username and pass when I forget most of them all the time :P
What happened to Crazypipe, remember reading some thread about services he was offering years ago lol, when I didn't have an acc and just lurked....
^^ It's fun to check in, but yeah no market activity atm. Hoping to get some questing services up soon. :D
I was looking for a place to buy an account, this came up.
Which american company is this? I remember reading something about this ages ago, can't really remember what though
I also won darts as a matter of fact, with your advice. Thanks, gonna go do some nex now. :)
lol, good luck with that. I don't hit 500s with barrage in full siesmics with nox staff