Bid 30m. My skype is georgeoftheforum.
Added, might be interested.
Willing to make a bid I added you on Skype. Edit: 55m bid.
Still looking for someone vouched to get an account off of!
Title. Looking to spend ~$150. Post offers below. Assuming you will need 07 gold. Need to be able to prove original ownership.
Very interested in picking this up as a main. Pm shot and added you on skype!
No look at the pms again I told him to add mine which is georgeoftheforum. And he pmed me back saying added. In the first screenshot you can see... I took it on my phone hopefully that's ok
Yeah how do I find that?
Dont buy this he already scammed me yesterday. Report in now.
Scammer's profile link: Explanation of the trade: $130 PayPal for RS account i deziak i How...
Ultimate206 has reported a post. Reason:scammed me [6:36:34 PM] George Smith: see it? [6:36:43 PM] godvision: its small [6:37:03 PM]...
Hey guys I decided to start playing 07 scape again lately and I'm not really interested in putting huge amounts of time back into this game just...