2000 Free 07 GP! ^gonna get you trolled so hard lol
10000 1209
Nobody wants to even make me an offer?
Just ordered this. Think it will suffice as a gaming laptop? Laptop Platform: EON15-S Laptop Exterior: Exclusive ORIGIN PC Red...
[IMG] [IMG] ^ Items that come with it (#1) [IMG] ^ Other items that come with it (#2) [IMG] ^ Stats. As you can see its pretty decently...
Just bought 30m. Smoother than silk.
Finished HFTD for me, did all pre reqs for MM and chinned from 62-82 range for me. Great quester/skiller.
Just bought 12m off me. I went first. Went smooth!
PM me your Skype. Amount: 12m Payment Method: paypal.
Added and welcome!
Open for orders
BUMP! Need a few more people!!
Got me a cape on my 1 def pure! Fast and flexible with availability. Highly recommended!!
Looking for a group of trusted people to go out and team in wilderness. If you lure any members of team will not be tolerated. Karma will bite...
That's a pretty large order to do for free. I have a few orders before yours but ill pm to keep you updated.
I can do this for 1.5m. You have all supplies ready? Gold, arrows, etc?